This is our Sourdough bread that we do most Sundays. Todays is a mix of white and a bit of brown flour, and has risen beautifully.
Jane rang up this morning and asked me to ring her back because she only had 2p left on her phone. That is why she didn't ring me yesterday..she says!! Ah Well!
Still on for tomorrow..looking forward to that.VT says he is having the Black Pudding with mustard sauce..don't know what I'm having yet.
I bought a book about Pizzas the other day from The Cheshire Oaks, and VT reckons he is going through it. So today we are having a Pizza Margherita which doesn't have a tomato sauce but very thinly sliced tomatoes. Must take a photo of it.
The crosswords were quite easy today, but finished the Big MOS one on the Internet. Fairly easy though.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza Margherita
Salad with avocado, baby plum tomatoes cucumber and lettuce leaves,
Potato salad and rice salad for VT.
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