It's that sort of weather today. I started the day in a t-shirt, and by the afternoon had changed to a sweatshirt again. VT was looking at the paper and found it was the same temperature at the moment as Perth Australia..and it is their winter!!
We decided to stay in today and do things around the house. I did a load of ironing this morning and VT cleared the front room out. Washed lightshades, and decorative plates. I wanted to do the brasses at the front but it has showered with rain all morning so no point really. We need to de-clutter a bit as they say. We have a load of knick knacks that need going through and taking to the charity shops. There was for instance a very large planter in the front room that we originally had a big coconut palm in and that died long ago. The planter has remained not doing anything since. Time it went.
It is actually really quite cold today, and I am watching QVC on and off since it is their summer sale.Full of summer tops that at the moment are too cold to wear. You need lighter sweatshirts and cardigans.
Tonight we are having:
Vegetable Moussaka from M&S on special offer,
Caesar vegetables 1/2 price from M&S
So, it is a M&S tea tonight.
Maybe a bit of garlic bread if we have any.
Might have Quorn fillets in a watercress sauce with rice and caesar vegetables,
Miaght have meatballs in goulash sauce with
rice and Caesar vegetables.
Will ask VT what he fancies tonight.
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