This is one of the few pictures of the "Woodford" team. We have plenty of VT and plenty of Moi but not very many of the two of us together. This was on holiday about two years ago, in the Flatbreads be recommended. A wonderful pizza place in North Conway which is one of our favourites.
In my Mum's day Monday was always washday. Tuesday would be ironing and Wednesday would be cleaning upstairs and Thursday cleaning downstairs. friday woud be shopping and baking day. We tend to wash on a Saturday, I think mainly because when you work all week then Saturday is your first free day to do the household things.
I bought some new bed linen about six weeks ago which is lovely. Plum colour and 300 thread count so it is very comfortable to sleep in. Looks gorgeous on the bed, the only downside is that it does need ironing. but, that is a small price to pay for having a luxury feel to the bedding. So, it is all washed, dried on the line today, ironed and back on the bed by five to six. Not too bad really.
Otherwise not much on today, and very quiet. Next doors are out on both sides, so no barbecues today for a change.
Tonight we are having:
Chinese week. Spring rolls,
Egg fried rice 4oz
Stir fry mushroom vegetables,
Sweet and sour sauce.
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