Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Cars Everywhere...

Last night VT was commenting about the number of cars around outside the house. The road seemed to be blocked with them, so we thought there was something going on at the hotel. Turns out there was a bad crash on the by-pass, and the roads were all blocked and the surrounding roads were gridlocked.Apparently the air ambulance was there as well so must have been a big one.
Did all the ironing this morning. I had an apointment for a blood test at twenty to one, and thought I had plenty of time. Turns out we left the house on the last minute,got there on time though. There was only one man waiting..I don't know why there is a three week waiting list for blood tests, they could do more than they do. Didn't wait long therefore and we were out quite quickly.
Then went to the garden centre. VT wanted to get some compost, mainly for the front garden. It is the green bin this week, so he usually tidies things up, and gets stuff ready for the bin. He cleared out the barrel last week and it is getting ready for the baby daffodils that he plants.It's a nice barrel actually, and is the focal point in the front garden which is small. The summer plants really took off this year, and ran away with themselves,Everything was overgrown this summer,must have been all the wet weather.
Tonight we are having:
Chicken style pie
Mashed potato 8oz
Carrot and broccoli
Mushroom sauce.

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