Sunday, 31 October 2010

Happy Halloween...

Well it's all a bit of fun isn't it. The parish magazine this month pointed out that it wasn't right to celebrate it, but I think it is all harmless fun for the kids. I'm glad they don't take it to the extremes that the Americans do though, but i do love the way they decorate their houses and gardens for it. I remember seeing some remarkable pumpkins on front porches, absolutely enormous.

Pumpkin stand round the corner from where we were staying in the hotel. You come round the bend and there they are a blaze of colour.

Quite busy today but Sundays usually are..did the bedding this morning, then the pizza things and our crosswords after lunch. Not too tricky today, but one or two that needed looking up on the computer. I wonder how we managed without the net? i remember doing the Sunday Express crossword on a Sunday morning with my Dad, and we would have a pile of books, encyclopaedias etc.,We would mostly finish it but I would think it would have been a lot easier with a computer. I used to love doing that with my Dad, while my Mum would cook the Sunday dinner. Happy memories.
We don't seem to be being bothered with trick or treaters this year, at least not at the time of typing anyway.
Jane rang up at lunchtime, and she was in the middle of revising for her exams. She said the only way she can revise is to write everything down and keep on doing that until it goes in. Funny how different people have different methods, i used to learn parrot fashion till it went in. I had a room mate at college who just used to read a page and it would go in..hated her!
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our tomato sauce, mushrooms pineapple and roasted vegetables.
Potato salad for me and celery fruit and nut for VT.

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