The year before last my husband bought me an orchid for my birthday in July. The flowers lasted for weeks and weeks and it was gorgeous. people on websites told me that with a bit of care it would flower again. must admit I was skeptical, but diring the last couple of weeks it has started to sprout a flower stem and this morning it has definite little buds on it. Since my birthday is in July it is a bit late but it is a minor little miracle really. Will be awaiting the flower to see what happens.
We settled down to do the crosswords after our lunch this afternoon, and VT did his in absolutely record time. They are general knowledge ones and are quite interesting, but his was done so quickly i had barely started mine. Then of course he starts to say.."Want any help with yours?" in a very annoying manner! Mine wasn't too bad, it was on the theme of Dylan Thomas and once you got those it was fine really.
Liattle Bobby has her momments. She jumps up on my knee and looks all appealing. i cuddle her of course, and stroke her as I normally do, then without warning she takes a great big nip at my arm! What a little minx! She is the only cat who does that, Rusty wouldn't dream of biting you, and never ever has done, but Bobby is a different kettle of fish altogether. You just an never quite trust her, yet she comes up on the bed in the morning and crawls all over me really affectionately. Anyway she is in my bad books at the moment.

She is now on the sofa beside VT and looks like butter wouldn't melt!
Definitely getting darker in the evening, it is a quarter past six now and getting quite dark. Wonder when the clocks go back? next weekend maybe?
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our home made dough and tomato sauce,
Mushrooms pineapple sausage pepper and courgette.
Egg and potato salad, avocado pear and baby tomatoes.
Potato salad and pasta salad.
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