Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Hares and Rabbits...

Again!! Yet another month passes us by, and a bit further away from all the wintery weather we have been having of late.
Nice and sunny this morning, in fact the sun was so bright I had to difg my little sunglasses out. Got a letter from John in Australia yesterday and they have had terrible storms/tornado/cyclone whatever..also bush fires outside Perth too. What is the weather coming to?
VT rang the neighbours up this morning, because there were letters for her, and we were thinking she would be coming back last weekend. Anyway, she is due to return next thursday. That will be so hard for her, it is now ten weeks since VT has been looking after their cat (little ginger girl). He has got really attached to her, it has a real little character, comes to the sound of his car, and follows him down to the shop etc., ten weeks is a long time to look after a cat, it's no wonder she is responding to him. Poor little thing, I wonder what will happen to her.
We went out to get some veggies this morning from Waitrose. Lovely store but very pricey..you certainly notice the bill when you get it. Don't mind though, there are a few things we get from there that we can't get anywhere else.
Tonight we are having:
Escalope of some sort from the freezer,
carrots and beans
Little baked potatoes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jenny - will look out for my postman (whose name is Wayne). 10 weeks is along time to look after a cat and lets hope the owner gives her as much love and attention that VT has. It's still pretty cold and miserable here but small of my bulbs are beginning to flower so the garden is, once again, beginning to look cheerful.
Take care, Judyx