Just beyond the shed at the bottom of the garden there is a piece of land between our row of houses and the larger houses at the back. It is landlocked so cannot be built on, and belongs to the house that the Dentist uses two doors down. We have always called it "The Plot" and there are app;e trees on it, and the cats around often wander round on it. There must be someone burning garden rubbish on it at the moment, because it looks quite Autumnal. I love the smell of garden smoke..better than next doors cigarette smoke anyway.
We went for a mooch this morning. We had a few things to get anyway, the cats needed their chicken, and I wanted some things. So we went over to Ormskirk which was really quite quiet. Not many people around, and the shops I go in were quiet. Thursday is Market Day in Ormskirk, so it is much busier, Wednesday is a good day to go. It was quite cool actually, and I noticed a fair number of people with coats on, I had my lighter silver coat on and wasn't over warm either. Mind you I am always cold! Got the last two packs of fishless fingers in Holland and Barratt, and had a look in Waterstones at books. I have a couple of book vouchers I have had for ever, but haven't seen anything that I really want yet. That's the trouble with vouchers, you never know what to spend them on when it comes down to it.
Had a nice coffee in Morrisons..Beans-to-cup..and very nice it was too. Also cheap, they are actually cheaper than anywhere, and you get a proper cup and saucer or mug..not those horrible plastic containers.
Home for lunch, and Vin is in the garden, and in the front fixing his car.
Tonight we are having:
With a pea, asparagus and green bean sauce,
A little bit of garlic bread
A dusting of parmesan.