Twice in one's getting to be a havit. Today we had to take little Rusty to the vets for her blood test. She has a Thyroid problem and has a tablet every 12 hours. So, every now and again she has to have a blood test to monitor her levels. Off we went because we had to get her there by about 8.30 and it's a half hour drive over in Ormskirk. They took her in and did the blood test and the Vet called us in afterwards. he was nothing like you would expect of a vet, looked more like a rock star, long hair tied in a pony tail. You could imagine him in wellies at Glastonbury, and he speaks so quietly that I can't understand a word he says..what with being as deaf as a post. Anyway Vin told me after, that he said she has lost a bit of weight,400grms..but she was doing fine. We get her results in a day or so, not like mine which take two weeks. But there again, I don't pay £80 for the privilege either!!
Home by 9 O'Clock ish, so we had our breakfast..all of us including Rusty who isn't allowed anything after midnight.
We needed some chicken for the cats and some Quorn deli range for our lunch so we nipped out to Formby. Called in at Waitrose for a really really quick shop and our pasties for tomorrow first, then to the dreaded Tescaw.. Hate that shop, but they do have a good range, and better than Waitrose.Got our things and we were home by 10.30. Good Grief...isn't it a long day when you get up early!
Vin is in the garden checking the roof of the extension, it appears we have a small leak under the tiles which became apparent yesterday when the rain was lashing down. He says it needs the lead flashing doing . It's still cold here today, nost people out in coats..Where is that long hot Summer they were talking about in the Spring? Hah!!
Tonight we are having:
Small potatoes sliced and sauteed,
Mixed vegetables
Maybe sausage Rolls to go with.
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