Sunday, 7 August 2011

C\tch Up...

Missed yesterday's entry, don't know why, just didn't get round to it. Pretty ordinary day anyway with Vin going out to get his things yesterday morning while I stayed in and had a go on the computer. Everywhere very quiet must be the holidays making a difference. it is a big holiday fortnight after all. Still activity both sides iof our house. She who is always having something done was showing off her new pepperpot chimney top to Vin on friday, thrilled to bits..till he said "Hang on,,you can't have a fire and that sort of chimney pot you won't get a draught", so the chimney pot came down yesterday and a new one with a proper hole in it replaced.The other side were fiddling about in their house and went off leaving a landing light on last night. Quite strange, an empty house with a light on..a bit creepy really.
Did all the bedding today, so I know what I shall be doing next week. Didn't hang it out because it has looked like rain all morning today, but it has actually cleared up now and Vin has gone out to have a cup of tea outside. He's welcome..I hate tea..don't know how people can drink it. The last time I had a cup of tea was 28 years ago when I had Jane because there wasn't anything else and I was parched. Goodness knows how I drank it..must have been very thirsty.
She rang up today to tell me about an offer that tesco are doing..if you order on line and are a first customer you get £15 off your order. Trouble is we don't go to |Tesco unless absolutely necessary and we don't buy online. She is going to use it to get some stocks in for her new house so she will have the basics to begin with. She seems to be quite excited about the move.
This is a family photo, one of the few we have together, it was taken on the way back from the States, and very very early in the morning when we have been flying all night and worn out. Nice pic though.

Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our tomato sauce, portobello mushrooms and pineapple,
Potato and egg salad
Potato salad for moi and sweet chilli noodle salad for Vin..

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