The postman arrived earlyish for once and brought ..surprise surprise some cards from Jane. Now this is extra special, because she doesn't do cards. So that was nice. Also a lovely Anniversary card from Judy (who I sometimes send books to) which was lovely, and then ..wonderful timing! a parcel from John and Ann in Perth!!! Arrived today and posted on the 19th in Australia. now that's good going isn't it. A cute little ornament, one of those that has dangly legs that hang over a shelf, a book to put photos in and some cards. Also a card and little present for Jane which was a bit of a shame because we had just a few minutes before posted our cards to her for her birthday on Saturday.
First the fence which Vin put up last week. beautifully done too and as firm as a rock, no wobbly fences in our garden!
This shows the end of the wall between the houses where the concrete post was crumbling, and the top of our neighbours sort of conservatory, and the side of the dentist's house just beyond.
Now the loft and the work Vin has done to install the new cold water tank..
This is the old tank with the pipes in front which someone had lagged with old cloth!!Loads of straw which had been used to keep the rafters from frost I suppose which Vin got rid of.. about five or six bags full.
Now the new..Old tank out of the way, and new tank installed. Just look at the copper pipes and all the connections all soldered and flux cleaned off. new wood underneath so there isn't any overhang like on the old tank on the right hand side.I think he has done a fantastic job..I'm so proud of him. When he was doing it he kept saying..look all the secondary Modern School metalwork lessons came in useful. He's right too.He should have gone to Grammar School, can't imagine why he didn't. He should have been a scientist or a Pharmacist or something like that. Funny how life turns out really.
Tonight we are havving:
Vin's Choice since it is his birthday..
Spinach and Ricotta Pizza from M&S,
A side salad with baby plum tomatoes and pasta salad and potato salad,
Bannoffee Cheesecake which he fancied from M&S.
So..Happy Birthday my Darling..I Love You XXX
Happy Birthday to Vin :) Glad the card arrived safely hope it wasn't too wet haha Absolutely love your new fence panels they are gorgeous and the tank is looing good too - what a clever man Vin is :)) take care, Judyx
that should read 'looking' not 'looing' lol
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