What a Day!! You would not believe that it was the middle of Summer and the second week of August. The trees are blowing a gale, and the rain is lashing down on the windows. Thankfully, we didn't have to go anywhere today, so we stayed indoors. One of the big benefits of being retired..yoou can do that.
I do feel sorry for anyone on holiday in this weather, it isn't what you plan for when you book, and it's no wonder really that people go abroad. I remember when Jane was small we used to go to Angelsey on holiday..nice island but not a lot to do when it rained, and I can remember sitting on the beach with goosebumps minding the stuff while Jane and Vin got cold in the sea. The last time we went I swore we were going somewhere warmer the next year. I had an insurance policy mature so we went to Orlando. Little cheapo Motel but we had such a fantastic time, and it was certainly warmer!
Well the riots got a bit closer to home last night. Jane works in Manchester City Centre on 2-10 shift at Ticketmaster, so as soon as her Dad heard that Manchester was involved he rang her up. She rang back a bit later to say that they had closed down and let them go out in groups. She had to walk through the centre to get a bus because the busus had stopped at oxford Street, and it was beginning to get dark. She said there wasn't much Police presence then, and it was a bit hairy, three youths
/men passed her carrying stuff under their jumpers. They were wearing hoodies, generic track suits and trainers and had scarves round their faces, so she avoidid them.Anyway, fortunately she got home OK and isn't there again till Saturday. Jane was saying that it was the high end shops they were going for, like the Rolex shop, phone shops of course , Swarofski Crystal and Bang& Olafson. It seems to be just criminality, mindless violence and you wonder what sort of backgrounds they come from. An absolute disgrace. I imagine there will be a lot of parents worrying what sort of place their student children will be going to in a couple of months.
Pile of ironing this morning, all the bedding needed doing so might as well make the most of the bad weather. The cats haven't moved much today both asleep in nice little cosy spots. One of Bobby's favourites is on the bed in our room, and we haven't moved the quilt off the bed yet..not warm enough. Some summer Eh!
A simple pasta bake with a tomatoey sauce
Carrots to go with an
A little bit of garlic bread.
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