Nine O'Clock this morning we had a phone call from Chris (The Rock Star looking vet) to say that Rusty's thyroxin levels were 39 right slap bang in the middle of what they should be. So, pat on the back for Vin who remembers to give her the tablet every twelve hours, and makes sure she is up to date with them. Very good turn around i do have to say..24 hrs from blood taking to result, certainly better than mine which take about two-three weeks.
We didn't fancy going too far afield for our weekend things so decided to go to Waitrose, which is only about ten minutes away in Formby. This waitrose used to be a Safeway, then a Morrisons then the Waitrose. Do have to say that I wish it were still a Morrisons, I love that shop. Waitrose is very expensive really and very well Posh!! However, we whizzed round with Vins list, and got just what we needed and no more, well a few impulse things as well to be honest. very quiet, I think half of Formby is on holiday.
Fortunately, just as we were leaving in the car, the postman in the van with the parcels yelled over "I've got a parcel for you"..It was the order that I had placed a bit ago for two Thomas Kinkade Wall Calendars, one for us and one for a Christmas present for John and Ann in Australia. They are absolutely gorgeous calendars and make really good presents.
The pictures are just beautiful, he is such a gifted painter every month you get real pleasure from looking at the picture for that month. I think they are good value too, come in a lovely cover and would make a good present for anyone hard to buy for.The advantage of going close to home is that we were back in plenty of time for Vin to have his cup of coffee..I swear he would have it piped through his veins if he could...
next door (new neighbours) had vertical blinds fitted today, upstairs and down and front and back. Not sure they go with these types of housesm they look a bit office like, but each to their own taste. They are the only ones in the row with blinds which says something I think. Oh well. She who is always having something done is quite quiet at the moment.. No work and no garlic either..She's slipping..
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and onion pasties from Waitrose,
Butternut squash and broccoli
Maybe a couple of potato croqueattes and a bit of tomato sauce.
1 comment:
Hi Jenny I'm fine but our internet has been playing up so I typing this to you quickly before it goes dead!! AGAIN... ViginMedia came a week ago and said it was our modem and replaced it but it's gradually got worse and the last few days have been hit and miss. I've tried a few times to do a post and the modem has died.. will try and do a quick post this evening. Hope all is well with you,Judyx
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