Thursday 16 August 2012


Nice quiet day today. Very odd weatherwise. One minute it is pouring down with rain, the next the sun is shining. We were sat in the garden this morning with sunglasses on then when we came in for coffee the Heaven's opened. Torrential rain. Jane rang up this morning twice..the first time she wanted her Dad to give her the dates that she had been in her houses. This was needed for a CVR check and she said the dates had to be right otherwise the form would be spat back at you. A lot of forms now are filled in online these days. She has one to be filled in for her bursary. She was having a stay in day today too doing her washing, cleaning and her hair.So our family is all staying in today!! I have a sore rib today, lord knows how I did it, probably the other night when I had a bit of a fall in the bathroom, must have banged my side. very painful actually and a pain in the neck on top of other stuff not what you want at the moment. Vin has repotted my purple Orchid this morning in between rain showers.he has put it into a new pot, with new orchid compost and teased out the roots a bit. it looks very weird actually, the roots are like something from another planet. Amazing how they put up such gorgeous flowers. my white one is still in full bloom and that was bought for my birthday on the 18th july.
Tonight we are having: Escalope with mushrooms Mixed vegetables, carrots broccoli and beans Potato croquettes.

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