This we did this afternoon. We kept the doors and windows shut because of marauding wasps, and set about the job of turning 2lbs of damsons into some jars of cheese.
First..we simmered the fruit in a quarter of a pint of water until it was soft. The stones were supposed to come to the top but they didn't actually. Then we left it to cool for a while, and then sieved it to remove skins and stones and to leave the pulp.
This was a bit of a faff, but done quite quickly. We were thebn left with about just over a pint of pulp or puree. The most divine wine colour.
We added just over a pound of sugar to this then boiled it with a squeeze of lemn juice till it was a thich cream like consistency, leaves a glimpse of the bottom of the pan when stirred. then we bottled the result. Made three full jars of a gorgeous deep wine red confection. to be eaten with cheese or cold meats if you eat them or spread on bread or toast. Quite pleased with the result.
Considering we pay £3.99 for a tiny little jar of damson cheese from the Fine Cheese Company we have done well I think.
Nice photos too, except that VT says the batteries are going on the camera.
Beautiful day today, really a touch of Autumn in the air. very sunny, and warm.
Tonight we are having:
Chinese..Spring rolls,
Egg fried rice 4oz
Stir fried mushroom vegetables,
Sauce of some sort.
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