Thursday, 3 September 2009

Stormy Weather...

You wouldn't think it was the third of September, we awoke this morning to strong winds blowing the trees outside the bedroom window. VT says it is the end of a tropical storm coming from the Atlantic, but there isn't any warm weather to go with it.
We decided to stop in today, and did some clearing up in the middle room. I tidided away a lot of magazines..well you can't keep them for ever and VT got rid of some of his stuff. There are two bags of things for the charity shops, some books and other nick nacks that are surplus to requirement. I also put a book on to the Amazon books site. It is a book that I already have and I got at Christmas, so it would be good if that could sell. Actually I have just had a look at the Amazon site and found that it has disappeared. Checked my Email, and discovered it is SOLD.. Gosh that was quick.
Jane rang up this afternoon and said that the festival was really good, and they all enjoyed it.
Tonight we are having:
Garlic Kiev,
Mixed vegetables,
Saute potatoes.

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