A nice normal pizza today. VT has been experimenting the last few weeks, and we have had a glorious array of different beautiful pizzas. Today we are having one with our usual roast vegetables.
He went out this morning to let the next door's cat out, and came back to say it was asleep on their landing, when he went back a bit later it had woken up and was sitting by the door waiting to go out. VT said it hadn't used its cat litter so it must have had crossed legs! Its a lovely lttle cat, ginger with a real character, and a bobble on the end of its tail.
Did some washing this morning and went to peg it out on the line. Astounded by the huge great weeds in the garden in among the flags, so VT and me attacked them with the hoes. Cleared up a bit, but still a lot to do.
Did the crosswords after lunch. Mine (the You magazine) was a bit tricky, but got there slowly. VT finished his except for one he had to check on the puter. Finished the MOS one a bit later , nothing dificult, just ones you had to look up.
Tonight we are having:
Roast vegetable pizza,
Salad with avocado and baby yellow plum tomatoes etc.,
Potato salad and cous cous salad for VT.
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