Monday 18 May 2015

Soup for Lunch !!

Well Monday again.  18th of May and you would expet the weather to be warming up a bit, at least so we c ould sit outside with our cups of coffee. Not a bit of it. Today dawned grey breezy and drizzly. It has brightened up as the day has gone on though, enough to hang the washing outside for a blow. bedding done today,and the sun is shining on it but it is certainly not a hot sun, and no warmth in it.
Haven't done a lot today, at least I haven't Vin has been his usual busy self. He has his M.O.T. tomorrow so he has been checking his car. My little occupational therapist phoned this morning and she is coming n Thursday with a board to go into the shower which will be good. 
He spent the weekend putting up the trellis and the clematis in a lovely pot by the front door. Looks terrific. Just waiting for a piccy to put on here. 
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with salad for Vin,
Not sure what I feel like yet.

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