Quite nice yesterday, we sat outside for a bit in the afternoon after we had finished the crosswords. They proved to be not too bad with one or two awkward ones we had to lok up on the internet.VT is very good at the general knowledge ones, he actually finished today's one (Monday) in record timewhile we were having a little coffee after shopping.
He has the garden loking really nice at the moment, with everything greening up beautifully, after the awful Winter we had. Some pots cracked, and a few shrubs got by the snow. I had a really nice Bay shrub which has completely gone, just brown shrivelled leaves that have gone crispy. I was quite surprised by that because I thought they were hardy shrubs. Since our garden is all plants or shrubs in pots or containers, it has been a bit of a learning curve as to what lasts well. The only shrub that seems to do extremely well is the Spirea, and we have absolutely loads of those. The good thing is, that they come in different colours and sizes, and flower at different times of the year too, so very useful. They come in light green, dark green, yellowy green with a reddish edge and different shaped leaves.
There is a beautiful acer tree that VT has nurtured from a very tint tree that looked very much worse for wear in a garden centre. With tlc it is now a gorgeous little tree with absolutely beautiful leaves, that sort of shimmer and flutter in the breeze. It is a real pleasure to sit out there with the fountain on one side and the budda and the acer tree. Very pleasant.
Big news of the day is the killing of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. I just hope there isn't going to be repercussions after it.
Today Monday we nipped out to Sainsburys, just to get the weeks veggies Just got the half hour ticket which is free, so were back in time for a coffee, then our lunch of last night's pizza and salad.
Tonight we are having:
Baby jersey royals
Mixed green vegetables.
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