Friday, 6 May 2011

Left or Right?

As we drive out of our village, which is a one way in and out place, you can go left to go to Southport, or you can go right to go to Liverpool. Our village is right in the middle of the two. We were undecidid about where to go for the weekend things, it being laft for ASDA or right for Sainsburys. So I left it to VT, and he turned right. So Walton it was.
We got up a bit later this morning..the trouble is one of the cats jumps on the bed at about fivish in the morning, and wakes me up so I tend to sleep on after that.If in doubt..blame Rusty! I thought we would have been late getting there but it was good in the end, we seemed to whizz round, and had time for our coffee in their nice big park afterwards.I thought it was going to be cool again, but the sun came out as we were driving, and it has turned into a nice day after all. Cold last night thoughm I actually puit the electric blanket on for a bit of cosy warmth. Thought I had switched it off but had missed a stop..and woke up much later cooking!!
Anyway, we got all our weekend stuff.. and as always some extras. We must have the most stocked up cupboards in the row.
VT is in the garden this afternoon, at least he is a pleased bunny with his bargain car insurance. Lo and behold, there was a letter from the AA insurance this morning with another quote. This was for the original one, not the one he was given when he rang them up which was suddenly £70 cheaper.. still nearly two hundred dearer than Saga..You would think that the AA would cover the Saga group, but apparently not. So they have lost his business..and have done him a favour..and the Daily Mail.
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers
Chips!! a treat..
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for moi
Tartare sauce.

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