I love morrisons..it's such an ordinary shop..no pretentions like Waitrose, and no bully boy tactics like tescos. The one in Maghull used to be a Gateway, then it was a Somerfield, then it became a Morrisons, but it's only quite small. Nice though. Got some beautiful little Jersey Royals for £1 a bag..I love those..sadly no longer smothered in butter though!! Those were the days before the healthy eating plan! Why aren't all the nice things good for you?
Went round the square first, VT had a reason for suggesting Maghull..he wanted to get a book he had seen on Saturday and didn't buy..about Samuel Peyps, by Clare Tomalin. It is about three inches thick, and will last him years! I have a horribole feeling it's going to be one of those books that he reads bits of to me in bed.
I bought a nice new nail varnish in Superdrug, which I thought was purply, only to find that I had the same colour at home!! Doh!! as the kids say. What I thought was gold is actually a metallic purply colour!!
We just got back to Morrisons to do our shop and the drizzle started, then it caught us as we went to the car. Stopped off at the garden centre for a coffee, and sat in a part of it that is like a conservatory. Then the heavens opened..talk about rain, and the noise on the conservatory roof was deafening..wouldn't like one myself. Next doors have one, and VT says that you can hear the rain when he goes in to feed the cat. We stayed in a holiday cottage once where the dining table was in a conservatory, and it was awful. really cold and noisy even though it had heaters. I'm really glad our extension is a properly built one with a proper roof. We use it a terrific amount, it is truly an extra room.
It has a massive window at the end, and the cats, usually little Rusty will sit on that for ages just looking out onto the garden.
Anyway, we had a nice coffee and a homemade shortbread biscuit, that needed a touch of salt in it. I can see my dad saying that when I made something..needs a bit of salt Jennifer, and he was usually right.
Tonight we are having:
lemon and black pepper escalope,
Baby jersey royals..
Vegetables with onion sauce and spinach.
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