Thursday 26 May 2011

Wet little Cat...

Well I am used to little cats jumping on the bed early in the morning, but this morning I got a bit of a surprise. Bobby is quite a big cat, so you know when she jumps on the end of the bed, she lands with a big thump, usually on my feet. She did this this morning, then walked up the bed and draped herself round my head. Wonder why she never goes on VT's head?
Maybe it's because I'm nearest the door. Anyway, that woke me up and I put my arm out to get her flat, and stop her pawing my neck and lo and behold her fur was all wet!!! Horrible..wet cat, not nice. Looks like a typical Bank Holiday weekend then. Keeping the barbecue brigade in though.
VT is looking after next doors ginger girl again this weekend while her owner goes to London to see her daughter.She came to the door to hand the keys, and VT said "Have a nice time" and she looked up at the sky. I hope it's nice down there for her. She is doing really well actually, been decorating a lotm so maybe she is staying. At present ginger girl is in and asleep upstairs she said, which probably means if he goes in later she will run's a tricky little thing.
Did the kitchen floor this morning, and bits and bobs..wonder where that came from?
Tonight we are having:
A mozzarella and baby tomato tart from M&S,
Potato and egg salad
Potato salad to go with.

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