Friday 7 September 2012

Another weekend Looming...

They do come round with monotonous regularity these weekends. Friday, so Vin went off to ASDA for a change. He wanted to go to the Range shop to get Jane her new car mirror for the inside of her car. That has proved to be a bit of a problem,he diud buy her one but it kept falling off. he had a long list for the ASDA shop, because it is a bit away from us we never went that often, and they do have some good things that other stores don't have. Some things do change though, we used to get a really good chinese sauce in little jars from there but he says that they only do it in big jars now which is a pain because you don't use that much. He came back with some really good things, ones that we had run out of and that we don't get elsewhere. One thing about ASDA is that you do seem to get good value for money. My order from Amazon came this morning, it was a new Kindle cover in a good bright orange with cute cats all over it. Only trouble is that is smells very strongly of some sort of plastic, so will leave it out for a bit till it goes off. Would knock you out at bedtime I think. Phew!!! Phone went a couple of minutes later, Vin telling me where he was up to, then Jane rang a bit after that too. She is worried about her Ticketmaster job that she won't be able to keep that up when she starts Uni in Sept., We shall have to see what happens there, she does worry a lot. Suppose it will be a bank of Mum and Dad job. Tonight we are having: Fishless fingers Chips 200grms Mushy peas for Vin and green beans for moi baked tomato.

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