Wednesday 26 September 2012

Death of a Legend..

Andy Williams dies aged 84..R.I.P. Andy..
Total Legend! An absolute star in the real sense of the word.
We had the good fortune to see him in Liverpool some years ago and he was wonderful. Just him..a good size orchestra and some backing singer and him and his voice. We came out to a torrential thunderstorm thunder and lightning and we got soaked but it didn't matter. We had seen the Legend!
Thanks for the music Andy. I will always remember that evening XXX
Stayed in today Idid the brasses at the front of the house, and  Vin did some sorting out of the cupboard under the units. He found a number of items that were out of date some by a coule of years. mostly tins of things that you buy to have in stock intending to use them for casseroles etc., but don't get round to in the end. Not a huge amount, and not much wasted.  just a nice easy day today, at least it isn't raining! in fact it has cleared up a little bit even, and the sun is shining.. Funny always rains after I have done the brasses!

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