Tuesday 25 September 2012


And still it rains! What a month for rain this has been. All sorts f flood warnings on the news and rivers overflowing all over the place. Jane has just rung up on her way home and she said it was pouring down there too. Mind it always rains in Manchester. She has had a day of lectures today, and she is knackered now. Said she was in bed by half eight last night!!At least it's keeping her busy. Vin went into Crosby on the bus this morning to go to his bank. He was saying that the roads on the way through little crosby were getting flooded and the ditches were full. Must be worrying for the farmers. He did go to the stationary shop to get a bottle of ink for his fountain pen and was shocked to find it was £4.80 for a medium bottle of Quink ink!!!!!! Good grief..why is it so expensive?? A little bottle of ink.I couldn't believe it when he said that was the cost. Be cheaper to write in petrol! I am in the house again as usual..nothing much going on except waiting for an appointment on Friday. It's all been going on so long now it's very wearing. Suppose we'll get there in the end. The little cats are very dormant at the moment. They seem to be turning night into day. Bobby is up at three thirty in the morning treading all over us, then she sleeps all day! Ok for some. She generally likes going out, but with the weather as it is at the moment she stops in and who can blame her. Tonight we are having: Escalope with broccoli and cheese broccoli and carrots Potato croquettes A little sauce to go with.

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