Monday 18 July 2016

Happy Birthday to Me.

Yes these birthdays come round with monotonous regularity. This one is the big 70!! I really can't believe that. Where did all those years go? 
Couldn't really go anywhere because we were waiting in for the District Nurses, and you never know what time they are coming. In the event the one today didn't come till 4O'clock but she has made a good job of doing the dressings and they are done now till Friday.  
So, we had our coffees inside this morning a lovely cappucinno and some baby shortbreads. It was quite a good job we didn't go out because there was a delicvery of a basket of beautiful flowers from the folks in Australia.
Gorgeous and a lot scented too. Even some lavender too which I really like and a scented rose in the middle. 
Vin bought me two beautiful wall plaques for the garden a sun and a moon Really attractive.
Look great on the wall too.
It is sweltering today, we are finally getting some proper summer weather. Bright bright sunshine and lots of flying ants around according to Vin who ventured outside to do a bit of mooching.Little Tootsie has been outside in her hut asleep., nicely shaded at the bottom of the garden.
Spot the Tootsie.
Jane rang up to wish me a Happy Birthday, She is off today so was going into town to do a bit of shopping and then go to Morrisons. Hope she doesn't get too hot!!

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