Hello again Blog! it's been a while..
What a Christmas! One best forgotten I think. I had a return of the virusey thing that I had in early November, and poor VT had a terrible awful streaming cold. A really nasty one, eyes streaming and all his head affected. So unfair..
We had a Christmas dinner of sorts, our usual Quorn sage and onion escalope, and then all the trimmings. VT enjoyed his actually, and we had a nice table and everything, but my heart wasn't in it really. He had a lovely little Christmas pudding and I had a big bowl of brandy sauce!
What a week! We have been sat round like a pair of miseries..at least I have! VT has struggled through. He has been looking after the little cat next door too, but she has been no trouble and has gone in each night. He has got her into a little routine and she is responding to that.
That's enough for now I think!
Good news is that I am about a stone down in weight! Not to be recommended though. VT has also lost weight..must be all the running up and down the stairs!
God Bless Him.. VT the Saint!
He did lose his rag the Thursday before Christmas though.. Jumping up and down and swearing! Didn't recognise him. But My God I don't blame him.
Bye for now XXXX
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Shorn the Sheep!!
No funny parcels today to wake us up,so we were left to lie in a bit. I woke up really early because the cats suddenly decidid to have a run round the bed. One ended up on my hip..wobbling..and the other ended up round my head on the pillow, purring like an engine. Thing is ...you don't move them. Sometimes you turn over so you don't get the whisker torture, but you leave them where they want to go. We must take a picture of them both one day, not that they get together very often. They did sit in the middle room nose together the other day, but that is very unusual. They have never been what you might call close.
Vt nipped out to Formby this morning to get his hair cut. Came back a bit later for his coffee because he said it was too busy, and he hates waiting. Then he decided to go back again and have another go. This time success. But, he came back talking about the woman who cut it. She wouldn't stop talking, and he was in a hurry. Nice hairdo though.
I have rung up my hairdressers for an appointment this morning too. Made one for 10 0'clock,Tuesday. My hair is a mess at the moment and needs tidying up. I think that when I was ill a few weeks ago it has really affected my hair and it is so lifeless. Maybe a nice cut and blow will help.
VT has just come up to say the BA strike is now off because of the High Court ruling, and it is snowing in London.Apparently we are due for a cold snap. Wonder if it will be a White Christmas.
I had an invitation for today, to a celebration mass at my old school, a celebration dinner (£30) and a disco and buffet at the Village hotel. Declined the invitation, problems getting there and I don't really do social occasions. One of the difficulties of having a hearing problem is that you struggle in a social context. VT does quite a lot of interpreting for me, for which I am ever grateful, and I'm not good in a crowd. Still I hope everyone has a good time.
Tonight we are having:
Something out of the freezer
With Baked little potatoes
green beans and the rest of the mushrooms.
Vt nipped out to Formby this morning to get his hair cut. Came back a bit later for his coffee because he said it was too busy, and he hates waiting. Then he decided to go back again and have another go. This time success. But, he came back talking about the woman who cut it. She wouldn't stop talking, and he was in a hurry. Nice hairdo though.
I have rung up my hairdressers for an appointment this morning too. Made one for 10 0'clock,Tuesday. My hair is a mess at the moment and needs tidying up. I think that when I was ill a few weeks ago it has really affected my hair and it is so lifeless. Maybe a nice cut and blow will help.
VT has just come up to say the BA strike is now off because of the High Court ruling, and it is snowing in London.Apparently we are due for a cold snap. Wonder if it will be a White Christmas.
I had an invitation for today, to a celebration mass at my old school, a celebration dinner (£30) and a disco and buffet at the Village hotel. Declined the invitation, problems getting there and I don't really do social occasions. One of the difficulties of having a hearing problem is that you struggle in a social context. VT does quite a lot of interpreting for me, for which I am ever grateful, and I'm not good in a crowd. Still I hope everyone has a good time.
Tonight we are having:
Something out of the freezer
With Baked little potatoes
green beans and the rest of the mushrooms.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Grey and Drizzly..
Not beautiful white snowflakes like on all the Christmas adverts!! We went over to Ormskirk this morning for a bit of a look round, and there was a market on. Not a lovely Christmas market but the ordinary one which is usually on a Thursday. The stalls looked grey and quite forlorn in the drizzle, not like the Bath market!! Not many people buying either, maybe the rain putting people off.
I changed a top I had bought in Bon Marche last week. Didn't like it on when I got home.. Got a new jumper which is lovely...and...got £4 back because it was in the sale!! so did better in the end. Then went into Superdrug to get a new lippy, and saw a lip balm that I was running out of so got those, and the assistant said the make-up items were 3for 2 so I got a mascara as well, so one of the items was free. I like bargains!
VT was looking at blogs last night..the ones that come after mine on here, and some of them are amazing. A lot of them American women, and they lead such interesting lives. Makes you feel very inadequate. One of them mentioned a site they use there called ETSY.com which is a site used for selling and buying craft items. Some really gorgeous fantastic quilts etc. I must have another browse.
I had a parcel delivered this morning from QVC..VT had to run down to answer the doorbell, and it turned out that it was a big box with a heavy chain in it from Butler and Wilson. Totally not what I ordered at all. I wouldn't be seen dead in it.
Jane rang us up last night, she said that she has ordered a parcel to be delivered between five and seven tonight. it is a joint present for Christmas, wonder what it is? Bless her. She is at work today, selling lots of tickets for twickenham she said.
Actually, as I type this the doorbell went and VT said it had arrived!
What a fantastic surprise..it was a delivery from ASDA with lovely treats for Christmas! Double Bless her. There was Wine for both of us, little tins of whisky for VTMarmite nuts, Veggie chilli with rice, Garlic olives,some lovely flavoured truckles of sheeses, and even..cat mmilk for the cats and a cat toy! What a wonderful present. So thoughtful.Made me feel quite emotional.

I love my babyXXXXX
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with
Asparagus, green beans and peas, and mushrooms
Spinach and Ricotta sauce.
I changed a top I had bought in Bon Marche last week. Didn't like it on when I got home.. Got a new jumper which is lovely...and...got £4 back because it was in the sale!! so did better in the end. Then went into Superdrug to get a new lippy, and saw a lip balm that I was running out of so got those, and the assistant said the make-up items were 3for 2 so I got a mascara as well, so one of the items was free. I like bargains!
VT was looking at blogs last night..the ones that come after mine on here, and some of them are amazing. A lot of them American women, and they lead such interesting lives. Makes you feel very inadequate. One of them mentioned a site they use there called ETSY.com which is a site used for selling and buying craft items. Some really gorgeous fantastic quilts etc. I must have another browse.
I had a parcel delivered this morning from QVC..VT had to run down to answer the doorbell, and it turned out that it was a big box with a heavy chain in it from Butler and Wilson. Totally not what I ordered at all. I wouldn't be seen dead in it.
Jane rang us up last night, she said that she has ordered a parcel to be delivered between five and seven tonight. it is a joint present for Christmas, wonder what it is? Bless her. She is at work today, selling lots of tickets for twickenham she said.
Actually, as I type this the doorbell went and VT said it had arrived!
What a fantastic surprise..it was a delivery from ASDA with lovely treats for Christmas! Double Bless her. There was Wine for both of us, little tins of whisky for VTMarmite nuts, Veggie chilli with rice, Garlic olives,some lovely flavoured truckles of sheeses, and even..cat mmilk for the cats and a cat toy! What a wonderful present. So thoughtful.Made me feel quite emotional.
I love my babyXXXXX
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with
Asparagus, green beans and peas, and mushrooms
Spinach and Ricotta sauce.
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Christmas creeping up...
We have done bits and pieces today. VT fitted his new wheel trims, and his car looks lovely and smart now.
I wanted to get a bit of a newletter going today, so started one on the word processor. it was quite difficult to think of anything to write this year, but got there in the end. VT has tweaked it a bit for me so it fills a page quite nicely.
He was on the little Netbook last night, and was loking at the blogs next to mine. Some of them are amazing..they lead such interesting lives. It's all very humbling really. A lot of the American ones are fascinating..there was one where the couple had gone to the Plimoth Plantation for their Thanksgiving dinner, and it looked awful..really really awful. Like it had been thrown on a plate! You would at least expect them to do it properly wouldn't you.
Jane has just rung up to say one of our presents is being delivered tomorrow. There is an Email but we are NOT to open it..or it will spoil the surprise. Can't wait now.
She has had a rest today back in work tomorrow. She is working so hard..I'm so proud of her. What a good kid she is.Love her loads.
Tonight we are having:
No idea at all. Maybe pasta.
I wanted to get a bit of a newletter going today, so started one on the word processor. it was quite difficult to think of anything to write this year, but got there in the end. VT has tweaked it a bit for me so it fills a page quite nicely.
He was on the little Netbook last night, and was loking at the blogs next to mine. Some of them are amazing..they lead such interesting lives. It's all very humbling really. A lot of the American ones are fascinating..there was one where the couple had gone to the Plimoth Plantation for their Thanksgiving dinner, and it looked awful..really really awful. Like it had been thrown on a plate! You would at least expect them to do it properly wouldn't you.
Jane has just rung up to say one of our presents is being delivered tomorrow. There is an Email but we are NOT to open it..or it will spoil the surprise. Can't wait now.
She has had a rest today back in work tomorrow. She is working so hard..I'm so proud of her. What a good kid she is.Love her loads.
Tonight we are having:
No idea at all. Maybe pasta.
Monday, 14 December 2009
Trims and Trimmings..
Very dark today, it is a case of putting lights on everywhere you go in the house today. Completely dark by fourish today too. Steve Wright has just said Good Evening..I am saying that because it is dark outside.
Drizzly this morning, i was about to go out with a new fuzzy scarf this morning and VT said it will look like a drowned cat, so I didn't. We went to Maghull to get VT's wheel trims changed today. He bought a new set yesterday but one of them was faulty so he got a new set. Then we went to the M&S in Aintree. Parked right outside fortunately, a car was coming out as we arrived..lucky for a change/ VT went over to Comet while I had a look around. Bought a nice necklace and earrings and some Christmas Cards on 3for2 offer. Then got our veggies for the week. They do have very tempting things do M&S but not a huge amount of vegetarian food. A bit disappointing in that direction. Very confusing vegetables too , lots of different offers, 3 for2 or2 for £1 etc. Kept picking up the wrong ones, good job VT was there as eyes to check. The lighting is really bright in that store, makes it difficlt to see everything.
Joe McEldery won the X factor last night we did vote for him, and apparently he was ahead by two thirds of the votes. Lovely Susan Boyle programme last night. Beautifully done, very well handled and some good tracks. She did a duet with her idol Elaine Paige which was really good. She obviously enjoyed that. It really is a Cinderella story that one. Steve Wright has just announced that she has celebrated her success with a new fridge and a sofa. probably for her cat Pebbles!!
Tonight we are having:
Quorn Escalope,
Veggies from M&S
Baby squashed potatoes.
Mushrooms with a white sauce.
Drizzly this morning, i was about to go out with a new fuzzy scarf this morning and VT said it will look like a drowned cat, so I didn't. We went to Maghull to get VT's wheel trims changed today. He bought a new set yesterday but one of them was faulty so he got a new set. Then we went to the M&S in Aintree. Parked right outside fortunately, a car was coming out as we arrived..lucky for a change/ VT went over to Comet while I had a look around. Bought a nice necklace and earrings and some Christmas Cards on 3for2 offer. Then got our veggies for the week. They do have very tempting things do M&S but not a huge amount of vegetarian food. A bit disappointing in that direction. Very confusing vegetables too , lots of different offers, 3 for2 or2 for £1 etc. Kept picking up the wrong ones, good job VT was there as eyes to check. The lighting is really bright in that store, makes it difficlt to see everything.
Joe McEldery won the X factor last night we did vote for him, and apparently he was ahead by two thirds of the votes. Lovely Susan Boyle programme last night. Beautifully done, very well handled and some good tracks. She did a duet with her idol Elaine Paige which was really good. She obviously enjoyed that. It really is a Cinderella story that one. Steve Wright has just announced that she has celebrated her success with a new fridge and a sofa. probably for her cat Pebbles!!
Tonight we are having:
Quorn Escalope,
Veggies from M&S
Baby squashed potatoes.
Mushrooms with a white sauce.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Cross Words
The Sunday crosswords certainly caused a problem or two today. Mine had a proverb in it which was a real pain. In the end it was Give a dog a bad name and hang him!! Never heard of the hang him bit.
VT went to get some new wheel trims and came back annoyed because one of them was faulty, and when he went to change them the shop was shut. Did anybody know it was the thirteenth today?
Quite cold today, it seems we are in the middle f a bit of a cold snap. Bobby has just jumped on my knee and sent all the letters of the computer haywire. Poor Bobby, she wasn't to know.
VT is bringing the coal in. He gets smokeless fuel from the garage which isn quite reasonable makes a nice fire, gglows like an electric one.
X Factor final tonight, hope little Joe wins. Glad Stacey didn't.
Tonight we are having:
pizza, a Dr Otker one
Salad from Sainsburys
VT went to get some new wheel trims and came back annoyed because one of them was faulty, and when he went to change them the shop was shut. Did anybody know it was the thirteenth today?
Quite cold today, it seems we are in the middle f a bit of a cold snap. Bobby has just jumped on my knee and sent all the letters of the computer haywire. Poor Bobby, she wasn't to know.
VT is bringing the coal in. He gets smokeless fuel from the garage which isn quite reasonable makes a nice fire, gglows like an electric one.
X Factor final tonight, hope little Joe wins. Glad Stacey didn't.
Tonight we are having:
pizza, a Dr Otker one
Salad from Sainsburys
Saturday, 12 December 2009
Last night we really struggled to find something to watch on the box. Once Corrie had finished there was a drama on ITV that we started watching and gave up on after about ten minutes. Dreadful girly flick chick thingy. We had begun to record "The Victorian Christmas" on BBC2 so didn't want to watch that half way through. No decent films nothing. In the end we watched the Victorian Christmas at ten o'clock. it was surprisingly good actually. Very pleasant viewing..but Friday night??? you want entertaining really.
This afternoon we watched a Come Dine With Me, recorded from last Sunday which turned out to be a repeat!!! in the middle of a supposedly new series!!. Anyway because we had left the recorder on upstairs we had got a film called Happy Go Lucky, a Mike Leigh film which was actually very good. We both enjoyed that this afternoon.
Tonight is the night of the big finals! Strictly and The X Factor. Not really bothered about any of them this year, but did vvvote for Chris Hollins last week. The X Factor lot are very mediocre this year I think. No Leona Lewis's there this year.
Tonight we are having:
Chinese, Goujons,
Sauce of some sort,
Stir-fry vegetables
Fried rice.
This afternoon we watched a Come Dine With Me, recorded from last Sunday which turned out to be a repeat!!! in the middle of a supposedly new series!!. Anyway because we had left the recorder on upstairs we had got a film called Happy Go Lucky, a Mike Leigh film which was actually very good. We both enjoyed that this afternoon.
Tonight is the night of the big finals! Strictly and The X Factor. Not really bothered about any of them this year, but did vvvote for Chris Hollins last week. The X Factor lot are very mediocre this year I think. No Leona Lewis's there this year.
Tonight we are having:
Chinese, Goujons,
Sauce of some sort,
Stir-fry vegetables
Fried rice.
Friday, 11 December 2009
Friday..Back to normal..
Well nearly. We got up reasonably today. Jane rang up last night to say that they had been offered a free breakfast if they went in early for the Westlife concerts tickets which went on sale this morning. They were expected to sell out very quickly she said.
We nipped off to Sainsbury's in Walton this morning, we haven't been there for ages actually quite a few weeks now. VT wanted to have a look in the poundstretcher shop for a set of lights for round the kitchen window, so I went into Next which is next door. Lot of tat in there really, mostly made in China and not that cheap either. The clothes are awful quality, I'll stick to QVC..better materials. Had a look at Christmas Cards but they were quite expensive even if they were 3 for 2. i get mine in the January sales..much cheaper.
Sainsbury's was quite busy really, but at least you can get round, not like the Crosby shop. We got a number of things for Christmas, aiming to fill the freezer up with things we can use. We don't actually need a lot, but it is nice to have spare things. I got things like luxury bread sauce, Madeira wine gravy etc. There were kids packing bags today..VT said they were collecting for a trip to Lourdes. The boy that packed ours was quite good actually, normally they just throw things in any old how.
We got petrol on the way out, that was £25 I do pay my share! Home by 1.30 ish. No post today either. Forecast is cold for the weekend, wrap up warm.
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers,
Mushy peas and green beans.
We nipped off to Sainsbury's in Walton this morning, we haven't been there for ages actually quite a few weeks now. VT wanted to have a look in the poundstretcher shop for a set of lights for round the kitchen window, so I went into Next which is next door. Lot of tat in there really, mostly made in China and not that cheap either. The clothes are awful quality, I'll stick to QVC..better materials. Had a look at Christmas Cards but they were quite expensive even if they were 3 for 2. i get mine in the January sales..much cheaper.
Sainsbury's was quite busy really, but at least you can get round, not like the Crosby shop. We got a number of things for Christmas, aiming to fill the freezer up with things we can use. We don't actually need a lot, but it is nice to have spare things. I got things like luxury bread sauce, Madeira wine gravy etc. There were kids packing bags today..VT said they were collecting for a trip to Lourdes. The boy that packed ours was quite good actually, normally they just throw things in any old how.
We got petrol on the way out, that was £25 I do pay my share! Home by 1.30 ish. No post today either. Forecast is cold for the weekend, wrap up warm.
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers,
Mushy peas and green beans.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Tis the Season...
To be jolly. Well the house certainly looks nice with all the trees and the decorations up. The new one that we have bought for the front room is proving to be really nice in the bay window, and with the candle arch in the upstairs window , the front of the house looks welcoming. I think VT is feeling a bit more Christmassy now anyway.
We nipped out to Dobbies this morning, had a bit of a late start because Jane rang up,so we were chatting to her. She was on her way to work on the bus,and is on till eight tonight.
Had a nice coffee at Dobbies this morning, and some decent biscuits for a change. Last time we were there we had some gluten free, wheat free and dairy free things that were horrible. Pity they don't make their own..a nice little shortbread heart would go down a treat. Costa Coffee biscuits are the best actually.
I finished a survey this morning for YouGov, and have finally got to my total of 5000 points, so can claim the £50 cheque. Wonder how it comes? and what to spend it on?
We called in at Waitrose on the way back, mmainly because we needed some cheese slices, and tomatoes. It is a dear shop but a nice shopping experience however. How sad is that! Mind you, the survey I did this morning for You Gov was all about supermarkets, but not Waitrose..Aldi, Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Tesco and it went on for ever, and ever. i began to despair, then it suddenly finished. Wonder when the cheque will come.
Last night in the end we had..Quorn lemon and black pepper escalope with bread sauce, carrots and broccoli and some sliced new potatoes sauteed in fry light.
Today we are having:
A vegetable pasty from Waitrose..VT fancied those,
Maybe a little gravy, and any leftover vegetables we have.
We are also pushing out the boat, and having a tanseys mince pie with our coffee too.. Oooh daring!!
We nipped out to Dobbies this morning, had a bit of a late start because Jane rang up,so we were chatting to her. She was on her way to work on the bus,and is on till eight tonight.
Had a nice coffee at Dobbies this morning, and some decent biscuits for a change. Last time we were there we had some gluten free, wheat free and dairy free things that were horrible. Pity they don't make their own..a nice little shortbread heart would go down a treat. Costa Coffee biscuits are the best actually.
I finished a survey this morning for YouGov, and have finally got to my total of 5000 points, so can claim the £50 cheque. Wonder how it comes? and what to spend it on?
We called in at Waitrose on the way back, mmainly because we needed some cheese slices, and tomatoes. It is a dear shop but a nice shopping experience however. How sad is that! Mind you, the survey I did this morning for You Gov was all about supermarkets, but not Waitrose..Aldi, Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Tesco and it went on for ever, and ever. i began to despair, then it suddenly finished. Wonder when the cheque will come.
Last night in the end we had..Quorn lemon and black pepper escalope with bread sauce, carrots and broccoli and some sliced new potatoes sauteed in fry light.
Today we are having:
A vegetable pasty from Waitrose..VT fancied those,
Maybe a little gravy, and any leftover vegetables we have.
We are also pushing out the boat, and having a tanseys mince pie with our coffee too.. Oooh daring!!
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Trees Up..
Did the decorations today. VT has just said that is a day's work..it is actually. We have three trees, one in the extension, one in the middle room and one in the front bay window. Each has its own decorations. Last year VT wrote a list of what goes on each one so it would be easier this year, and it is but it is still a lot of packing, unpacking and fiddling with lights etc. Little Bobby is crawling around and marking everything and wondering what is going on. I think she thinks they are off to the cattery, since the decorations are kept in a big suitcase. Maybe she thinks we are packing.
Sent my email eventually to school today, and got a parcel today too. Jane rang up this morning, on her way to get sellotape for Rachel. She is off today and is having a day at home. She did say they were going to the cinema today too. Some animated film forgotten what it is called.
Tonight we are having:
No idea whatsoever, will have to see what is in the freezer.
Sent my email eventually to school today, and got a parcel today too. Jane rang up this morning, on her way to get sellotape for Rachel. She is off today and is having a day at home. She did say they were going to the cinema today too. Some animated film forgotten what it is called.
Tonight we are having:
No idea whatsoever, will have to see what is in the freezer.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Today we started to get ready to put the Christmas things out. We normally do this before we go away so this year it was left a bit longer. I did the brasses while VT cleared the room. Now it all looks really cosy and nice. Shiny brasses round the fire, copper kettle gleaming and the coal scuttle shining. My mum used to do them every week, now they are lucky if they are done once every Preston guild as they say. We will get the decorations out tomorrow and see what the new tree looks like.
Parcel arrived this morning from John and Ann, they received ours a while ago, I got organised this year!
We have been watching the USA Apprentice all series, but last night forgot to record the final one!!! Grrrr. Had to lok it up on the Internet and apparently Randal won, but it turned a bit nasty when he refused to let Donald Trump hire the other girl too. Didn't expect that. Shame we missed that programme. It was an interesting series.
Jane rang up after lunch and had a lovely long chat. She talked about everything, a lot about Globe where she worked, and the stupid bloke who is diddling people out of their wages including Jane. She took what was owed to her and left. Quite right too. I'm proud of her. She seems to be enjoying her job at Yicketmaster and has plans for the future. Good for her. She will get there in the end. She said Rachel was cooking dinner and was making a vegetable stew, but was blending Jane's so she couldn't see what it contains!! No change there then.
Tonight we are having:
Sausages...Might do a toad in the hole with gravy, and mashed carrots and swede.
Parcel arrived this morning from John and Ann, they received ours a while ago, I got organised this year!
We have been watching the USA Apprentice all series, but last night forgot to record the final one!!! Grrrr. Had to lok it up on the Internet and apparently Randal won, but it turned a bit nasty when he refused to let Donald Trump hire the other girl too. Didn't expect that. Shame we missed that programme. It was an interesting series.
Jane rang up after lunch and had a lovely long chat. She talked about everything, a lot about Globe where she worked, and the stupid bloke who is diddling people out of their wages including Jane. She took what was owed to her and left. Quite right too. I'm proud of her. She seems to be enjoying her job at Yicketmaster and has plans for the future. Good for her. She will get there in the end. She said Rachel was cooking dinner and was making a vegetable stew, but was blending Jane's so she couldn't see what it contains!! No change there then.
Tonight we are having:
Sausages...Might do a toad in the hole with gravy, and mashed carrots and swede.
Monday, 7 December 2009
Home from Sunnyview...
No not really..they never went in the first place. i wonder if they know that they should have gone. Seems strange, when VT tried to get Bobby to go in the basket to go to the vets she disappeared! So she must have known about that. Crafty they are.
We nipped out to Crosby this morning to get some usual veggie shopping. I do hate that shop..it is so small, the aisles are crowded and there is usually a wait at the tills, but not too bad today really. The trouble is it is the only supermarket in Crosby and it should be at least twice the size.
We had the remainder of the pizza from last night for lunch with an egg salad, very tasty too. It was the first home made pizza he had made for weeks actually, and he did a simple beef tomato mozzarella and basil one. Just lovely simple flavours.
This week we are aiming to get some of the Christmas things out. We have three trees to do, not huge ones, but tricky in their own way. We bought a new one for the front window so it will be interesting to see how that looks. Won't be able to put my Bauble swop on it this year, because that arrived in pieces, but we have some lovely decorations we have collected over the years.
Tonight we are having:
Goats cheese and cranberry escalope Quorn
Baby squashed potatoes baked in the oven
Vegetables and mushrooms with a little sauce.
We nipped out to Crosby this morning to get some usual veggie shopping. I do hate that shop..it is so small, the aisles are crowded and there is usually a wait at the tills, but not too bad today really. The trouble is it is the only supermarket in Crosby and it should be at least twice the size.
We had the remainder of the pizza from last night for lunch with an egg salad, very tasty too. It was the first home made pizza he had made for weeks actually, and he did a simple beef tomato mozzarella and basil one. Just lovely simple flavours.
This week we are aiming to get some of the Christmas things out. We have three trees to do, not huge ones, but tricky in their own way. We bought a new one for the front window so it will be interesting to see how that looks. Won't be able to put my Bauble swop on it this year, because that arrived in pieces, but we have some lovely decorations we have collected over the years.
Tonight we are having:
Goats cheese and cranberry escalope Quorn
Baby squashed potatoes baked in the oven
Vegetables and mushrooms with a little sauce.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Coming Home Sunday..
Today we would have been coming home from Bath. Last night I said to VT Have you set the alarm? He said What for? I said for the journey home. Got him going there. The little cats would be in the cattery till tomorrow. We would be home about twoish, but you can only collect the cats in the mornings. They don't know how lucky they are really.
Last night we had a nice fried rice that VT did with some schets of rice, peas and an egg.We loked through the freezer and found a bag of frozen mini spring rolls, so used them. Very tasty.
Today, Sunday, we have got the sourdough going again, and at long last after a week of tlc, it is bubbly again, so we have made a sourdough loaf. We also made a pizza dough toour usual recipe to make a basic nice pizza tonight.
VT went to Netherton this morning, he is still after some wheel trims, but they didn't have any. Trouble is he wants cheap ones and the stores that normally sell them have all the Christmas things in so wheel trims aren't on sale at the moment.
Jane rang up the other night, she is having loads of trouble with the first place she works at. The bloke there owed her tons of money, so she has taken what he owes her, and left a note and gone. Very wise too. The c hap is leaving her terrible text messages, but she needs to look after herself for once. He is driving round in a Range Rover and owes money all over. A real twirp.
Tonight we are having:
Home made pizza with tomato and mozzarella and basil.
Small side salad.
Last night we had a nice fried rice that VT did with some schets of rice, peas and an egg.We loked through the freezer and found a bag of frozen mini spring rolls, so used them. Very tasty.
Today, Sunday, we have got the sourdough going again, and at long last after a week of tlc, it is bubbly again, so we have made a sourdough loaf. We also made a pizza dough toour usual recipe to make a basic nice pizza tonight.
VT went to Netherton this morning, he is still after some wheel trims, but they didn't have any. Trouble is he wants cheap ones and the stores that normally sell them have all the Christmas things in so wheel trims aren't on sale at the moment.
Jane rang up the other night, she is having loads of trouble with the first place she works at. The bloke there owed her tons of money, so she has taken what he owes her, and left a note and gone. Very wise too. The c hap is leaving her terrible text messages, but she needs to look after herself for once. He is driving round in a Range Rover and owes money all over. A real twirp.
Tonight we are having:
Home made pizza with tomato and mozzarella and basil.
Small side salad.
Friday, 4 December 2009
Slept in..
Late getting up today, mainly my fault. I had a bit of a tummy upset late last night which unfortunately woke VT up. Consequently we were late getting up,VT said he woke up at nineish but turned over again so we didn't move till ablout 10.30. Well it doesn't matter much really.
So he nipped out to Crosby Sainsburys to get a few weekend things. He went to South Road to see if the Home and Bargain shop had any wheel trims but they didn't. The H&B have taken over the old Woolworths store, which seems par for the course these days. Maybe Woolies shoud have gone into that kind of market and they would have lasted longer.Still think it is a shame they went.
The cats are quite quiet today, Bobby has been paying downstairs a bit but is asleep on my sofa at the moment. I can't believe how she has been so loyal the last few weeks, really lovely and purry, a real little pal. Rusty is of course VT's cat,she follows him everywhere, sits on his chest each evening, and stays by his side most nights. Very loyal and trusting little one she is.
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers,
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for me.
So he nipped out to Crosby Sainsburys to get a few weekend things. He went to South Road to see if the Home and Bargain shop had any wheel trims but they didn't. The H&B have taken over the old Woolworths store, which seems par for the course these days. Maybe Woolies shoud have gone into that kind of market and they would have lasted longer.Still think it is a shame they went.
The cats are quite quiet today, Bobby has been paying downstairs a bit but is asleep on my sofa at the moment. I can't believe how she has been so loyal the last few weeks, really lovely and purry, a real little pal. Rusty is of course VT's cat,she follows him everywhere, sits on his chest each evening, and stays by his side most nights. Very loyal and trusting little one she is.
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers,
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for me.
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Still Digitalling!!
VT was still trying to scrub the last of the Welsh channels last night. The new video was proving a bit of a perplexing problem, so eventually we went to bed and he had another go this morning which was successful. So now at least we are sorted. All credit to VT who has worked through everything with tremendous patience.
Today has been largely dark and not very nice, but he went out this morning to try and get a new set of wheel trims for his car. When we went to Ormskirk yesterday, he rushed to turn of the awful Tony Cristie Amarillo song off the radio and brushed the side of a roundabout. When he stopped one of the wheel trims had gone. Thus he was looking for a new set. Shame that.
Very little happened today a quiet day. My batteries arrived at long last but not much post otherwise. One christmas card already yesterday, I must start thinking about getting mine ready.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with tomato sauce.
Maybe a bit of garlic bread.
Today has been largely dark and not very nice, but he went out this morning to try and get a new set of wheel trims for his car. When we went to Ormskirk yesterday, he rushed to turn of the awful Tony Cristie Amarillo song off the radio and brushed the side of a roundabout. When he stopped one of the wheel trims had gone. Thus he was looking for a new set. Shame that.
Very little happened today a quiet day. My batteries arrived at long last but not much post otherwise. One christmas card already yesterday, I must start thinking about getting mine ready.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with tomato sauce.
Maybe a bit of garlic bread.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Technology..and a trip out..
Today is the day of the big final digital switchover. Now this is all very very complicated indeed. i would not have a clue where to start. Fortunately VT is really good at these sorts of things, so he went round the house this morning and retuned all the televisions. We have five...sounds a lot, but there is one in the main room, one in the kitchen, one in Jane's room and one in the bedroom. two of them are the result of upgrading the main room televisions, and the older ones were too good to discard so they just got moved.
This afternoon the printer ran out of paper as I was printing a coupon off and that is proving to be a problem now...Technology!!!
We had a little foray out to Ormskirk this morning, I haven't been there in weeks, so it was nice to have a bit of a look round. I bought a jumper from Bon Marche and some cute little fuzzy wuzzy scarves that were on offer, a lovely deep purple colour and a black and white patterned one. Very warm round the neck. We went into M&S and had a bit of a browse, and bought some of the nibbly things we have at Christmas, also the roast potatoes, so we are getting ready bit by bit. We need to decide what we are having for the main course thoug, since the turkey is totally out, and a lot of the veggie offerings are dreadful nut roasts etc.
Delia was on last night with her Christmas special, it was lovely to watch and very Christmassy.
Tonight we are having:
No idea at all. maybe a quorn escalope,
carrots and beans.
This afternoon the printer ran out of paper as I was printing a coupon off and that is proving to be a problem now...Technology!!!
We had a little foray out to Ormskirk this morning, I haven't been there in weeks, so it was nice to have a bit of a look round. I bought a jumper from Bon Marche and some cute little fuzzy wuzzy scarves that were on offer, a lovely deep purple colour and a black and white patterned one. Very warm round the neck. We went into M&S and had a bit of a browse, and bought some of the nibbly things we have at Christmas, also the roast potatoes, so we are getting ready bit by bit. We need to decide what we are having for the main course thoug, since the turkey is totally out, and a lot of the veggie offerings are dreadful nut roasts etc.
Delia was on last night with her Christmas special, it was lovely to watch and very Christmassy.
Tonight we are having:
No idea at all. maybe a quorn escalope,
carrots and beans.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Hares and Rabbits...
1st of december today, and the day dawned cold and frostyish. Been cold all day actually,not going out weather. Jane woke her Dad up at eight o'clock this morning, she was on her way to work and she was walking to the bus stop. She said someone had just fallen off their bike because it was icy, I hope she has a warm coat on. She is working for Ticketmaster at the moment, and she said she had someone ring up yesterday and wanted to buy a book...
So, after that we had an early cup of coffee, and a chat, mostly about cars this morning.Starting handles and all that.
Cleared out the freezer this morning to make a bit of space for the Christmas things. There was a surprising amount of out of date things, about two carrier bags full in the end. I think the trouble is that this freezer doesn't get manually defrosted so things get built up in it. VT got his thick gloves on it and we sorted out all the drawers and the shelves. The things that are in there now are usable for main meals.
He then took the video upstairs from the kitchen and tried to set it up in Janes room. It was the video we had in the main room, and is a really good one, but we had to get another to record from the digital channels so this one had to move. Anyway he got it all going eventually, he is really good with these things, I wouldn't know where to start. This digital malarkey is all a nightmare really, all the changing of the televisions and videos etc., is terrible. God knows how ordinary people manage.
Tonight we are having:
Caramelised onion and goats cheese tarts..from the freezer,
Potato Croquettes,
Mushrooms in a little sauce,
Carrot batons.
So, after that we had an early cup of coffee, and a chat, mostly about cars this morning.Starting handles and all that.
Cleared out the freezer this morning to make a bit of space for the Christmas things. There was a surprising amount of out of date things, about two carrier bags full in the end. I think the trouble is that this freezer doesn't get manually defrosted so things get built up in it. VT got his thick gloves on it and we sorted out all the drawers and the shelves. The things that are in there now are usable for main meals.
He then took the video upstairs from the kitchen and tried to set it up in Janes room. It was the video we had in the main room, and is a really good one, but we had to get another to record from the digital channels so this one had to move. Anyway he got it all going eventually, he is really good with these things, I wouldn't know where to start. This digital malarkey is all a nightmare really, all the changing of the televisions and videos etc., is terrible. God knows how ordinary people manage.
Tonight we are having:
Caramelised onion and goats cheese tarts..from the freezer,
Potato Croquettes,
Mushrooms in a little sauce,
Carrot batons.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Quite a Normal Monday...
For a change, not housebound or bed bound. We nipped out to Tescaws this morning and for the first time in a long while we did a fairly normal shop. We got a few big bags full mainly because we needed to stock up a bit too. When we got home VT made a comment that I wouldn't have spent so much if he had gone on his own. Probably quite right too, I tend to pick things up as I see them on 6the way round, whereas he goes out with a list and sticks to it.
Nice to go round without feeling wilted though, must be on the mend at long last.
Very cold out today, with a nasty biting wind, I think I shall need to get the gloves and scarf out soon, there is talk on the weather forecasts of a cold snap and snow. We shall have to wait and see, at lest we are stocked up a bit.
We did buy a few Christmas frozen foods this morning to keep in the freezer. It is quite difficult trying to buy Vegetarian foods, the supermarkets tend to have just a few, so it is a case of getting different ones from each one, and then put them all together. The freezer needs a bit of clearing out first though.
Tonight we are having:
Quorn Toad in the hole,
Mashed potatoes,or potato croquettes.
Green beans and carrots,
Nice to go round without feeling wilted though, must be on the mend at long last.
Very cold out today, with a nasty biting wind, I think I shall need to get the gloves and scarf out soon, there is talk on the weather forecasts of a cold snap and snow. We shall have to wait and see, at lest we are stocked up a bit.
We did buy a few Christmas frozen foods this morning to keep in the freezer. It is quite difficult trying to buy Vegetarian foods, the supermarkets tend to have just a few, so it is a case of getting different ones from each one, and then put them all together. The freezer needs a bit of clearing out first though.
Tonight we are having:
Quorn Toad in the hole,
Mashed potatoes,or potato croquettes.
Green beans and carrots,
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Grrrrr...I spent an absolute age yesterday doing my entry, pressed post, and it all disappeared!! god knows where to, somewhere in Cyberspace my little post is whirling around.
So, today is Saturday. I did write about going out to Dobbies to get a Christmas Tree that VT had ordered and we had seen to go into the front window. The present one is loking very straggly and doesn't pwe us anything, so we thought we would get a bushier one. We had seen a nice little tree but they didn't have any in stock but the delivery came in yesterday and they put one aside for us. £39 less %25 less a voucher that VT had worked out to about £25 or thereabouts.
Then we called in at Waitrose to get a few bits and pieces. it was the first time I had been in a supermarket for weeks actually, and VT whizzed me round at speed to get me out of there I think.
Today have done the bedding, so a lovely clean bed to get into tonight. I think if I ever won the lottery i would pay someone to do the beds every day with fresh linen..can't beat it.
Tonight we are having:
A burger with a bit of lettuce and a bit of tomato and a bit of cheese and a few chips. Dead common tea!!
So, today is Saturday. I did write about going out to Dobbies to get a Christmas Tree that VT had ordered and we had seen to go into the front window. The present one is loking very straggly and doesn't pwe us anything, so we thought we would get a bushier one. We had seen a nice little tree but they didn't have any in stock but the delivery came in yesterday and they put one aside for us. £39 less %25 less a voucher that VT had worked out to about £25 or thereabouts.
Then we called in at Waitrose to get a few bits and pieces. it was the first time I had been in a supermarket for weeks actually, and VT whizzed me round at speed to get me out of there I think.
Today have done the bedding, so a lovely clean bed to get into tonight. I think if I ever won the lottery i would pay someone to do the beds every day with fresh linen..can't beat it.
Tonight we are having:
A burger with a bit of lettuce and a bit of tomato and a bit of cheese and a few chips. Dead common tea!!
Thursday, 26 November 2009
What Might have been...
As I type this we shoud be in Little Paradise getting our things unpacked. What a shame but i think this year it would have been a mistake. My little outing to Dobbies yesterday proved a problem so I can't for the life of me see me wandering round the Christmas Market in Bath. I do have to say this virus whatever has knocked me out this time, it seems slow picking up, but each day getting a bit better. Had a lovely bath this afternoon with my candles and my book, not quite so knocked out than I was like last week, took me ages to get over that. Got too warm I think.
VT went into Crosby today to get a few bits and pieces. He said they are putting the lights up there..very festive..not really..Crosby is a dead and alive place these days, nothing would entice you to do your shopping there really. He got some Dr Otker pizzas very cheap on offer,we are still not yet making our own again yet, and a tub of Haagen Daz vanilla ice cream which uis also on offer, plus other items we had run out of. He has turned out to be a fantstic shopper actually, armed with his list he gets everything on that plus if he sees a bargain or something we could use he will get that. He is a little treasure!

Family group..one of the few we have these days.
Jane rang up just before he said , she was on her lunch break at about fourish!..she is dealing with customers now, and says it is ok.Must be more interesting dealing with actual people.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta of some kind,
VT's home made pasta tomato sauce and quorn meatballs,
A bit of garlic bread.
VT went into Crosby today to get a few bits and pieces. He said they are putting the lights up there..very festive..not really..Crosby is a dead and alive place these days, nothing would entice you to do your shopping there really. He got some Dr Otker pizzas very cheap on offer,we are still not yet making our own again yet, and a tub of Haagen Daz vanilla ice cream which uis also on offer, plus other items we had run out of. He has turned out to be a fantstic shopper actually, armed with his list he gets everything on that plus if he sees a bargain or something we could use he will get that. He is a little treasure!
Family group..one of the few we have these days.
Jane rang up just before he said , she was on her lunch break at about fourish!..she is dealing with customers now, and says it is ok.Must be more interesting dealing with actual people.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta of some kind,
VT's home made pasta tomato sauce and quorn meatballs,
A bit of garlic bread.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Blissful Ignorance...
As I type this, one of the little cats is in the basket in front of the window, all curled round and fast asleep full of chicken. The other little cat is all curled up and fast asleep full of chicken and cat milk on a blanket on the bed behind me. The pair of them sleep on in blissful ignorance of the fact that they should be in "Sunnyview Cattery" today and for the next ten days. VT keeps saying things like..there;s a nice sunnyview out of the window..aaah bless them.
He rang the cottages this morning and spoke to beth, who said they had let little Paradise to someone who was working in the area and didn't want to stay in a hotel, so they had let it for the whole period via the tourist information office. So that was good, they will probably end up with more money in the end.
We should be going tomorrow morning, but I think this year it would have been a mistake really.
We did the kitchen floor this morning and cleared up the middle room a bit, almost like getting ready for going away too. Never mind these things happen.
VT has been doing bits and pieces today sorting out things and making phone calls.
Tonight we are having:
Mashed potato,
carrot and Swede,
Sausages..Quorn ones.
Maybe a drop of gravy.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Ventured Out..
At last, went off to Dobbies this morning to get a coffee and have a look round. Did admit I started to get a bit wilted after a bit, and VT dispatched me off to the car while he went to get a Christmas tree that we had seen. We are looking for a new tree for the fronty window, but it can't be any higher than four feet, and this one looked ideal.
He came back after a while and sid that they were out of stock! Typical, when we see something that we like it's out of stock. So the only thing I bought was a pack of shortbread biscuits. They didn't have any of the mints we liked or the little pots of fruits for cheese. More stock of the Christmas trees coming in at the end of the week apparently, so will have to be patient.
Called and got some petrol at the BP garage on the way back, and home for lunch..which is becoming a regular toastie in the lakeland bags. Good product those.
Still raining up North in Cumbria, and severe weather warnings in place for gale force winds tonight. Becoming a very wet November this year.
Jane rang up just before, she is on her lunch break because she is on 12-8 shift today. She said the solicitor had been in touch and she is to have a conference with her barriste and solicitor. Must be nearing the end now I should think, it has all been going on for ever it seems.
Tonight we are having:
Quorn escalope, Goats cheese and cranberry,
Some vegetables, carrots and beans and peas,
Mashed potato.
He came back after a while and sid that they were out of stock! Typical, when we see something that we like it's out of stock. So the only thing I bought was a pack of shortbread biscuits. They didn't have any of the mints we liked or the little pots of fruits for cheese. More stock of the Christmas trees coming in at the end of the week apparently, so will have to be patient.
Called and got some petrol at the BP garage on the way back, and home for lunch..which is becoming a regular toastie in the lakeland bags. Good product those.
Still raining up North in Cumbria, and severe weather warnings in place for gale force winds tonight. Becoming a very wet November this year.
Jane rang up just before, she is on her lunch break because she is on 12-8 shift today. She said the solicitor had been in touch and she is to have a conference with her barriste and solicitor. Must be nearing the end now I should think, it has all been going on for ever it seems.
Tonight we are having:
Quorn escalope, Goats cheese and cranberry,
Some vegetables, carrots and beans and peas,
Mashed potato.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Morning Chats...
One of the blessings of being retired is that you don't have to rush up to work early in the morning so we can get up in a leisurely manner. VT usually wakes up at about8.30 ish or nine, and then he goes and gets us a cup of coffee, and a cow biscuit. We then enjoy the drink and have a chatter, could be about anything. This morning we discussed all sorts of things, including what VT had dreamt about the previous night, the very stormy windy weather during the night and so on. I didn't hear any storms, but once the hearing aids come out that is me sorted. He says he could do with ear plugs, because the wind kept him awake. One advantage to being deaf I suppose, but I am at a loss to think of any others! We don't tend to have a chat in the evening, since we both read our books, and he listens to his radio via earphones. So, the morning talks are a nice way to catch up.
VT went off to Crosby Sainsbury's this morning, very quickly to get a bit of shopping. Came back with a good mix of veggies, and potato products..croquettes etc. Two little flans, and some Quorn escalopes, so a few good meals there.
Very dark today, it seems that we have had the lights on all day, everywhere you go is dark and gloomy. Seems that the flooding is still a problem up in Cumbria,
Tonight we are having:
Small flans,
Potato croquettes
Maybe some carrots or a tin of spaghetti.
VT went off to Crosby Sainsbury's this morning, very quickly to get a bit of shopping. Came back with a good mix of veggies, and potato products..croquettes etc. Two little flans, and some Quorn escalopes, so a few good meals there.
Very dark today, it seems that we have had the lights on all day, everywhere you go is dark and gloomy. Seems that the flooding is still a problem up in Cumbria,
Tonight we are having:
Small flans,
Potato croquettes
Maybe some carrots or a tin of spaghetti.
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Saturday..A bit late..
Did a bit of searching this morning (Saturday) then didn't get around to doing the blog later. We were watching something on the television, then it got dark, as it does very early these days, and we were warm and comfortable, so just didn't feel like moving really.
VT went to Maghull to get a bit of shopping, came back with a Dr Otker pizza which we have been having for the last few weeks, and a small side slald to go with it .
We have not really got back into eating as our normal routine yet, we have dropped the dips and hummous that we normally have on a weekend lunch, and no olives for a few weeks now.VT reckons he is under 11st now, and I know I have lost about 1/2 a stone since i got the lurgy.
VT cooked last nights tea. He did a tasty fried rice with some packet rices he had in the cupboard, and Quorn dippers and a lemon sauce. Very nice too I enjoyed that.
He had go t a DVD from Blockbusters, but unfortunately it didn't have subtitles so was fairly hard to follow,Their voices were quite low too, and I found myself dropping off. When I woke up later the film had finished and I asked VT how it had finished, and he said he had dropped off too!
Upshot was he put it in the player this morning and we watched the end of it. Made perfect sense when when we saw how it had finished. Quite a good film, and I would like to see it again with subtitles, maybe it will be on Sky.
Haven't done any of the crosswords yet, but have done the Birthday Quiz quite easy. Terry Gilliam who is 69today.
Floods still causing problems up in Cumbria, bridges looking like they are dangerous and being closed off and checked.
Tonight (Sunday) we are having:
Pizza Dr Otker,
A bit of a side salad.
Haven't done any of the crosswords yet, but have done the Birthday Quiz this morning.
VT went to Maghull to get a bit of shopping, came back with a Dr Otker pizza which we have been having for the last few weeks, and a small side slald to go with it .
We have not really got back into eating as our normal routine yet, we have dropped the dips and hummous that we normally have on a weekend lunch, and no olives for a few weeks now.VT reckons he is under 11st now, and I know I have lost about 1/2 a stone since i got the lurgy.
VT cooked last nights tea. He did a tasty fried rice with some packet rices he had in the cupboard, and Quorn dippers and a lemon sauce. Very nice too I enjoyed that.
He had go t a DVD from Blockbusters, but unfortunately it didn't have subtitles so was fairly hard to follow,Their voices were quite low too, and I found myself dropping off. When I woke up later the film had finished and I asked VT how it had finished, and he said he had dropped off too!
Upshot was he put it in the player this morning and we watched the end of it. Made perfect sense when when we saw how it had finished. Quite a good film, and I would like to see it again with subtitles, maybe it will be on Sky.
Haven't done any of the crosswords yet, but have done the Birthday Quiz quite easy. Terry Gilliam who is 69today.
Floods still causing problems up in Cumbria, bridges looking like they are dangerous and being closed off and checked.
Tonight (Sunday) we are having:
Pizza Dr Otker,
A bit of a side salad.
Haven't done any of the crosswords yet, but have done the Birthday Quiz this morning.
Friday, 20 November 2009
Pudsey Day today...
Jane rang up last night and said that she had a bone to pick with me because I had posted a rubbish picture of her. trouble is we don't have a lot of pictures of her, and she hides her face. Don't know why she is lovely.
All the radio shows today are not normal, they are all playing records with donations for Children in Need. Actually they are playing quite good music, a lot of old favourites.Just heard a Neil Diamond which immediately reminded me of our travels in the Morris traveller.
VT went into Crosby this morning mainly to get some photos printed off, which he did and sent some to Emma. Little Maisy is a big 1 today, doesn't time fly. He also got some bags of fuel from the garage..pity you can't get it delivered. Wonder if there are any coalmen left these days. We always used to have ours delivered, cheaper prices in the summer, and wet coal in the winter.
Haven't done much today..again.. VT has done some planting in the garden though it's getting quite dark now 4.15ish. Weather here is a bit blowy but reasonably mild. However up North in Cumbria they are haveng a very difficult time of it. Big flooding in Cockermouth, Kendal and Keswick with eight inches of rain falling in a few hours. The pictures of the flooding on the TV are terrible, it must be heartbreaking for the home owners, five feet of water in their living rooms. Poor Gordon, another lot of flooding to blight his reign.
VT said the ditches round here are quite full, and we haven't had much rain either.
Tonight we are having:
Maybe a garlic Kiev
Carrots and peas,
A few chips VT has lost quite a bit of weight over the last few weeks, must be smaller meals, and less dips and things at the weekend. Can't say I have my appetite back yet , but eating a reasonable evening meal. I have lost about half a stone, mainly due to the Horlicks and digestive biscuit diet. Not really to be recommended though.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Done In...
VT went out to Sainsburys this morning because we had run out of a few things. He didn't go anywhere yesterday mainly because Emma came which was a nice surprise.
I decided to have a bath this afternoon and was really surprised how debillitating that has been. Good grief , a little bath..
Jane rang up early this morning on her way to work, the bus had got there early. She didn't get the Email with the baby pictures on but she did see the ones on here.

Sweet little baby, One tomorrow so VT bought a card and we have sent it off.
Tonight we are having:
A cheese and onion quiche from Sainsbury's
A few potato croquettes
Maybe a few carrots.
I decided to have a bath this afternoon and was really surprised how debillitating that has been. Good grief , a little bath..
Jane rang up early this morning on her way to work, the bus had got there early. She didn't get the Email with the baby pictures on but she did see the ones on here.
Sweet little baby, One tomorrow so VT bought a card and we have sent it off.
Tonight we are having:
A cheese and onion quiche from Sainsbury's
A few potato croquettes
Maybe a few carrots.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
An Outing and a Visit..
Well I went out for the first time in about two and a half weeks today. We took the cats to the vets for their booster injections. So I went with VT for the ride. We didn't have to wait long really, and we saw a nice male vet who had someone in the room with him..don't know why though. The cats both behaved beautifully, and Bobby in particular was lovely stood as good as gold on the table while she was being examined. She was a little minx in the house before we went though..hid under the bed in Jane's room and poor VT had a job to get her out. Rusty has stayed the same weight and Bobby has lost a little bit of weight.They are both fine however, so we came home relieved. That all cost £71.31 but that included rusty's tablets as well.
Had a nice coffee when we came home and VT was intending to go out to Sainsbury's to get a bit of shopping when the bell went.
It was Emma with her beautiful daughter Maisy.

What a beautiful baby, really pretty and smiley. Wobbling on her legs and about to walk I think. Very good baby just content to explore and play with her Mum's keys.

Hard to believe she is One on the 20th..and Emma is expecting again due at the end of january.
Tonight we are having:
A pasta bake with VTs home made pasta sauce and some mushrooms.
Had a nice coffee when we came home and VT was intending to go out to Sainsbury's to get a bit of shopping when the bell went.
It was Emma with her beautiful daughter Maisy.
What a beautiful baby, really pretty and smiley. Wobbling on her legs and about to walk I think. Very good baby just content to explore and play with her Mum's keys.
Hard to believe she is One on the 20th..and Emma is expecting again due at the end of january.
Tonight we are having:
A pasta bake with VTs home made pasta sauce and some mushrooms.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Where oh where has the energy gone??
Up and about today, but no energy at all. Need a big booster.
VT rang the vets this morning and made an appointment. (not for me) for the babies,to have their booster injections tomorrow. If it goes past the date they have to have a complete new one so it needs doing.
I made an appointment for the renal clinic, I had recieved a letter so rang up. The speaker went off on the phone as I was using it so VT took over, the phone is quite faint without it. Anyway that is for the 8th Feburary or thereabouts.
VT did the barrel in the front garden this morning, took out the old plants and put the spring bulbs in. He also did some tubs in the back garden too. He saved the bulbs from last year, and also used some he had bought so should have a nice show in the Spring.
Getting very dark quite early now, it is all but dark by 4.30. and been a bit mixed today. Rusty came belting in about ninety miles an hour just after lunch and she was a bit wet, then the rain started pelting down. Horrible afternoon actually, it's a good job he did his gardening in the morning.
Tonight we are having:
No idea again.. not on proper food yet, there are two pasties in the fridge so might have those.
Last night we ended up having... A quorn escalope, a few carrots and a few chips. Quite enjoyed that actually.
VT rang the vets this morning and made an appointment. (not for me) for the babies,to have their booster injections tomorrow. If it goes past the date they have to have a complete new one so it needs doing.
I made an appointment for the renal clinic, I had recieved a letter so rang up. The speaker went off on the phone as I was using it so VT took over, the phone is quite faint without it. Anyway that is for the 8th Feburary or thereabouts.
VT did the barrel in the front garden this morning, took out the old plants and put the spring bulbs in. He also did some tubs in the back garden too. He saved the bulbs from last year, and also used some he had bought so should have a nice show in the Spring.
Getting very dark quite early now, it is all but dark by 4.30. and been a bit mixed today. Rusty came belting in about ninety miles an hour just after lunch and she was a bit wet, then the rain started pelting down. Horrible afternoon actually, it's a good job he did his gardening in the morning.
Tonight we are having:
No idea again.. not on proper food yet, there are two pasties in the fridge so might have those.
Last night we ended up having... A quorn escalope, a few carrots and a few chips. Quite enjoyed that actually.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Mending Slowly....
Good night's sleep, probably the new clean bedding, very comfortable. Woke up this morning to little Bobby stroking my cheek with her whiskers, really tickles. She has been a star these last two weeks, a reall little companion, sitting on the bed and good company. VT has been the real star though, don't know what I would have done without him. He cancelled the Cattery this morning, a real shame but these things happen as he says very philosophically.
Went very dizzy when I got up this morning, but VT said I probably got up too quick which is right. Anyway got down for breakfast, and had a toastie for lunch so eating a bit more. Can't say the appetite is back though.
VT has been doing bits round the house this morning, and went to Crosby to get a few supplies chicky for the babies really.
Going dark quite early now, it is 4.30 as I am doing this and it is getting too dark to see outside. Very blustery and some squally showers today, with bright spells. Sound like Heather with the weather!
Tonight we are having:
No idea at all. VT brought some pasties from Sainsburys so he might have one of those.
Not sure what I fancy getting a bit tired of egg on muffin.
We are not eating normally at all yet, but we did have a nice Dr Otker pizza last night with a bit of SALAD!!!!!
Went very dizzy when I got up this morning, but VT said I probably got up too quick which is right. Anyway got down for breakfast, and had a toastie for lunch so eating a bit more. Can't say the appetite is back though.
VT has been doing bits round the house this morning, and went to Crosby to get a few supplies chicky for the babies really.
Going dark quite early now, it is 4.30 as I am doing this and it is getting too dark to see outside. Very blustery and some squally showers today, with bright spells. Sound like Heather with the weather!
Tonight we are having:
No idea at all. VT brought some pasties from Sainsburys so he might have one of those.
Not sure what I fancy getting a bit tired of egg on muffin.
We are not eating normally at all yet, but we did have a nice Dr Otker pizza last night with a bit of SALAD!!!!!
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Bite the Bullet...
Unfortunately we came to a decision this morning to cancel our trip to Bath in ten days. Hopefully they will be able to relet the property, otherwise it will be an expensive decision. VT says that I would find it hard going round the Bath markets and Wells etc., and Street, and he is quite right at the moment I would. At least the cats will be happy.. I just feel guilty, that I am letting him down, he loves going there. Maybe we could go in the Spring for a bit?
He went off to Maghull this morning to get some shopping we had run out of, and a free can of shaving gel, but they had run out, so he was a cross bunny when he came back, but not for long. He got loads of things we had been running out of, like kitchen rolls, and QT tea etc., cat biscuits and cat food. He is a supershopper, knows where all the bargains are.
We did the bedding today,so we have got lovely clean bedding on the bed tonight. It is beautiful bedding but needs ironing, I never thought I would go back to ironing bedding, but it is worth it.
We did the crosswords quite quickly today, finished the MOS one with the small computer downstairs. I'm glad we kept that, I was on the point of sending it back when VT was stroppy about it, but that was because I moaned about the colour. Should learn to keep the mouth shut!!.
Tonight we are having:
A bought pizza with a bought salad. Tut Tut!
He went off to Maghull this morning to get some shopping we had run out of, and a free can of shaving gel, but they had run out, so he was a cross bunny when he came back, but not for long. He got loads of things we had been running out of, like kitchen rolls, and QT tea etc., cat biscuits and cat food. He is a supershopper, knows where all the bargains are.
We did the bedding today,so we have got lovely clean bedding on the bed tonight. It is beautiful bedding but needs ironing, I never thought I would go back to ironing bedding, but it is worth it.
We did the crosswords quite quickly today, finished the MOS one with the small computer downstairs. I'm glad we kept that, I was on the point of sending it back when VT was stroppy about it, but that was because I moaned about the colour. Should learn to keep the mouth shut!!.
Tonight we are having:
A bought pizza with a bought salad. Tut Tut!
Friday, 13 November 2009
Hello Again..
Well haven't written on here for a while. had the Mother of all viruses, bugs whatever. Like a version of swine flu without the cold or sore throat thing, everything else though. Worst has been the extreme tiredness, totally feel like a deflated balloon.Good point though lost seven pounds, hardly eaten for the last week, and survived on half mugs of Horlicks and M&S digestive biscuits. Funny the things you fancy when you are under the weather! Hopefully turning the corner now and will pick up before we go to Bath in a couple of weeks.
Little Bobby has been my pal..she has really turned up trumps, sitting on the bed and purring on my chest etc.

My other saviour has been Saint VT. Uncomplainingly he has looked after me beyond the pale. brought me the drinks, made sure I had water, and kept me company. The man is a Saint. Only the first sign of a moan this morning when I was trying to get him to buy some veggies for his meals! Turns out he hates carrots, and says he doesn't want any more Broccoli. that might be because he bought a head the size of a football the other day!!
He has catered for himself very well actually, had a Curry and rice one night, pasta another, burger , beanburgers and mushrooms and potato croquettes anoth. Beans on toast for lunches, and soup a few days. I'm very proud of him actually.
Pat on the back VT !!
Jane rang up this morning. She has started a new job in a call centre today..ticketmaster in Manchester. Three weeks training then she is let loose on the public. She is good with people, and excellent on the computers so should do well. She is going to do an Access course starting next September for science, and with a view to doing a course to become a radiographer eventually. Hope she makes it I really do.
Tonight VT is having:
garlic bread? and maybe some mushrooms.
(He came home with 3 carrots..says that is his veg rack!
I am having:
A poached egg on a toasted english muffin.
Little Bobby has been my pal..she has really turned up trumps, sitting on the bed and purring on my chest etc.

My other saviour has been Saint VT. Uncomplainingly he has looked after me beyond the pale. brought me the drinks, made sure I had water, and kept me company. The man is a Saint. Only the first sign of a moan this morning when I was trying to get him to buy some veggies for his meals! Turns out he hates carrots, and says he doesn't want any more Broccoli. that might be because he bought a head the size of a football the other day!!
He has catered for himself very well actually, had a Curry and rice one night, pasta another, burger , beanburgers and mushrooms and potato croquettes anoth. Beans on toast for lunches, and soup a few days. I'm very proud of him actually.
Pat on the back VT !!
Jane rang up this morning. She has started a new job in a call centre today..ticketmaster in Manchester. Three weeks training then she is let loose on the public. She is good with people, and excellent on the computers so should do well. She is going to do an Access course starting next September for science, and with a view to doing a course to become a radiographer eventually. Hope she makes it I really do.
Tonight VT is having:
garlic bread? and maybe some mushrooms.
(He came home with 3 carrots..says that is his veg rack!
I am having:
A poached egg on a toasted english muffin.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
What a Week!
What a weekis right. Terrible week really,been in bed for a lot of it and haven't felt like moving. Think it is some sort of bug or flu virus butwhatever.it's totally debilitating.
VT has been wonderful,a real trooper. Kept me going with M&S digestive biscuits and half mugs of Horlicks. Absplute lifesavers. Funny the things you gancy when you are un der the weather.
Little Rusty I have barely seen only when VT is in the bedroom. Little Bobby has beena star. Kept me company all week, nuzzling round my face and purring on my chest...Aaaah!
I don't know what I wou;d have donw without VT though he has been fantastic. He has fed himself all week, had all sorts of thin gs he says he likes, like curry and rice, pasta with sauce and broccolli. Quorn curry and rice last night with some cauliflower and he is having a Dr Otker pizza tonight with NO salad.
I've typed all this on the new netbook, and I'm don in for now.
So, till next time.....
VT has been wonderful,a real trooper. Kept me going with M&S digestive biscuits and half mugs of Horlicks. Absplute lifesavers. Funny the things you gancy when you are un der the weather.
Little Rusty I have barely seen only when VT is in the bedroom. Little Bobby has beena star. Kept me company all week, nuzzling round my face and purring on my chest...Aaaah!
I don't know what I wou;d have donw without VT though he has been fantastic. He has fed himself all week, had all sorts of thin gs he says he likes, like curry and rice, pasta with sauce and broccolli. Quorn curry and rice last night with some cauliflower and he is having a Dr Otker pizza tonight with NO salad.
I've typed all this on the new netbook, and I'm don in for now.
So, till next time.....
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Parcels and Baubles and Videos..
Quite a lot done today really, the first thing we did after breakfast was to post off the Secret Santa parcel to Chillie in Switzerland. I had bought quite a lot of things in the Cheshire Oaks last week, apron from M&S,two silicone stirrers from Le Creuset, a dangly snowman from M&S, a Mrs Beetons christmas book and a block of Cacao from the Willie wonky chocolate factory.VT did some expert packing which he is so good at, and found a box big enough to put everything in. Then we packed the Bauble swap. I got this from Villeroy and Bosch just before it shut down and have been keeping it for a while. It was in a lovely box too, so wrapped it in christmas paper and did a card to go with. VT overwrapped it in brown paper, and addressed them all. Took them down for posting..£9 for the one to Switzerland, and £1.38 for the bauble. All done, thank goodness for that. Well organised this year.
VT then spent most of the day setting up the new video that we bought yesterday. toshiba £299.99. Bought with the heating allowance!
He recorded the Doctors episode at lunchtime, and that worked fine. He's very good at the technical stuff.
Still not decided about the Notebook. VT hasn't used it since I moaned about the colour, I think he is being a bit pig headed really. I need to be making my mind up soon, so we can organise its collection.
Very windy and blowy and rainy today, VT said rusty went out this morning, but came back in really wet and had to be dried. I think she likes the attention ..bless her.
Tonight we are having:
Garlic kievs or sausages..not sure,
Mashed potato and celeriac.
Vegetables..carrots and peas and sweetcorn.
VT then spent most of the day setting up the new video that we bought yesterday. toshiba £299.99. Bought with the heating allowance!
He recorded the Doctors episode at lunchtime, and that worked fine. He's very good at the technical stuff.
Still not decided about the Notebook. VT hasn't used it since I moaned about the colour, I think he is being a bit pig headed really. I need to be making my mind up soon, so we can organise its collection.
Very windy and blowy and rainy today, VT said rusty went out this morning, but came back in really wet and had to be dried. I think she likes the attention ..bless her.
Tonight we are having:
Garlic kievs or sausages..not sure,
Mashed potato and celeriac.
Vegetables..carrots and peas and sweetcorn.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Monday..so that means Veggie shopping..
Went into formby this morning to get our usual veggies. the main reason for going there was to get a new video recorder for the main television in the middle room. When the Analogue goes off very soon there will be problems because the recorder we have there at the moment won't record. So VT saw one in the Toshiba shop in the Cheshire Oaks which takes VHS DVD's and has a hard disc. So he has gone for that one.
We bought it with our last years heating money from the government. thankyou Mr Brown.
We got it from Smiths in Formby , they had them in stock, and they were £10 cheaper than Argos too!!
Went round Waitrose first, and got the veg, a good mix for the week, and enough to keep us going.. Potatoes, carrots, broccoli, mushrooms etc. Also got one of those blocks of cacao to go into the SS parcel.
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and leek escalope,
Veggies..carrots and beans
Mushroom sauce.
We bought it with our last years heating money from the government. thankyou Mr Brown.
We got it from Smiths in Formby , they had them in stock, and they were £10 cheaper than Argos too!!
Went round Waitrose first, and got the veg, a good mix for the week, and enough to keep us going.. Potatoes, carrots, broccoli, mushrooms etc. Also got one of those blocks of cacao to go into the SS parcel.
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and leek escalope,
Veggies..carrots and beans
Mushroom sauce.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
A Big Attack of the Grumps...
This is the first Blog I have written on the new Notebook. Yesterday VT had aa mega strop about it and said very firmly that he was sending it back on Monday. I thought I would have a go on it this morning, and did the Birthday quiz in the Sunday Express on it. Not bad actually, it worked fine, and I got all the answers.
He says I have spoiled it because I kept goin g on about the colour, since I wanted the blue, but the colour doesn't matter really. The black is fine.
The screen is small, but clear and I cn see it ok. It is portable, and quite light, and would be good ton take away to do crosswords and blogs etc. I do find my nails hit the wrong keys sometimes but I get that on the other one as well.
At the moment I am sitting in the living room by a nice warm fire typing away and it is very pleasant actually. No I don't think I will, there's nothing wrong with it. Slightly different typing action, but nothing you can't get used to.
Today we made a lovely Sourdough loaf, the recipe we always make with white flour and oatmeal. Bit burnt on the top, because I put the oven on a bit higgh but it will be a good loaf.
Then did the pizza dough to our normal recipe and VT did the roots colour on my hair so that is done for a few months. He has just made a comment that I am hunched over it..can't resist a comment.
Tonight we are having:
pizza with mushroom and tomato and goats cheese,
Salad with avocado and baby plum tomatoes,
Potato salad and pasta salad.
He says I have spoiled it because I kept goin g on about the colour, since I wanted the blue, but the colour doesn't matter really. The black is fine.
The screen is small, but clear and I cn see it ok. It is portable, and quite light, and would be good ton take away to do crosswords and blogs etc. I do find my nails hit the wrong keys sometimes but I get that on the other one as well.
At the moment I am sitting in the living room by a nice warm fire typing away and it is very pleasant actually. No I don't think I will, there's nothing wrong with it. Slightly different typing action, but nothing you can't get used to.
Today we made a lovely Sourdough loaf, the recipe we always make with white flour and oatmeal. Bit burnt on the top, because I put the oven on a bit higgh but it will be a good loaf.
Then did the pizza dough to our normal recipe and VT did the roots colour on my hair so that is done for a few months. He has just made a comment that I am hunched over it..can't resist a comment.
Tonight we are having:
pizza with mushroom and tomato and goats cheese,
Salad with avocado and baby plum tomatoes,
Potato salad and pasta salad.
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Today we are Grumpy...
Quite busy today, bedding to do. The new bedding is a bit of a pain to dry because the tumble dryer sends it into an infernal ball all the time so the middle doesn't get dried. You have to keep stretching it out but you get there in the end.
VT is very grumpy today, maybe because I keep going on about the colour of the new Notebook, but he spent the whole lunchtime grumping about it, and saying it was going back, and he doesn't want it any more, and it doesn't do what he wanted, and he is going to buy a laptop of his own.
grump grump grump...
jane will say I told you so, and so will he. I thought he was getting on with it really well and he was using it enough yesterday.
He went for a mooch today came back with vinegar a big bottle, I think he has drunk some on the way home too!!
Tonight we are having:
Chinese Spring Rolls,
Egg fried rice,
Sauce of some kind
Stirfry vegetables.
VT is very grumpy today, maybe because I keep going on about the colour of the new Notebook, but he spent the whole lunchtime grumping about it, and saying it was going back, and he doesn't want it any more, and it doesn't do what he wanted, and he is going to buy a laptop of his own.
grump grump grump...
jane will say I told you so, and so will he. I thought he was getting on with it really well and he was using it enough yesterday.
He went for a mooch today came back with vinegar a big bottle, I think he has drunk some on the way home too!!
Tonight we are having:
Chinese Spring Rolls,
Egg fried rice,
Sauce of some kind
Stirfry vegetables.
Friday, 30 October 2009
Woke up at our usual time this morning, well early enough for a nice cup of coffee to start the day.our body clocks must be getting back to normal or at least adjusting.
not musch post today. Wasn't expecting a delivery at all, but there were two letters on the mat when we got back.
We took my money to Asda today, it was actually busy with lots of kids running around.Kids everywhere to be honest..should be in school!
Bought our usual things for the weekend, and I had a bit of a look round while VT went down tio The range shop to get a knife sharpener. It is only to chop the cat's chicken actually!! Didn't buy anything for myself today, but VT bought a new pair of slippers. i wonder if he will get the pipe and the smoking jacket to go with them!
The little Netbook seems to be a hit..with him anyway. He has given it the first charge so it is going full strength again. He worked how to do an email address today I tried to send him one but it was the wrong addy and they kept getting sent back. Try again sometime.
Very blowy today, and apparently the weather is going to get colder over the weekend.Nights are getting darker much earlier these days, it's dark by about fivish now.
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers,
Chips 200grms
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for me,
Tartare sauce.
not musch post today. Wasn't expecting a delivery at all, but there were two letters on the mat when we got back.
We took my money to Asda today, it was actually busy with lots of kids running around.Kids everywhere to be honest..should be in school!
Bought our usual things for the weekend, and I had a bit of a look round while VT went down tio The range shop to get a knife sharpener. It is only to chop the cat's chicken actually!! Didn't buy anything for myself today, but VT bought a new pair of slippers. i wonder if he will get the pipe and the smoking jacket to go with them!
The little Netbook seems to be a hit..with him anyway. He has given it the first charge so it is going full strength again. He worked how to do an email address today I tried to send him one but it was the wrong addy and they kept getting sent back. Try again sometime.
Very blowy today, and apparently the weather is going to get colder over the weekend.Nights are getting darker much earlier these days, it's dark by about fivish now.
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers,
Chips 200grms
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for me,
Tartare sauce.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Christmas is coming..and..I got a Go!
This morning after most of a week of getting woken up at eight o'clock we didn't wake up till ten o'clock. VT must have been tired because he slept right through. So, we had a later breakfast, but that doesn't matter.We can do what we want.
I wanted to get the Australia parcel ready sometime this week so it was a good chance to do that.
I had bought a really nice Thomas Kinkade calendar, a DVD about Triumph motorbikes for John, (hope he enjoys that), VT spotted that in Dobbies, a set of two really pretty lavender hearts from Laura Ashley, and a dangly christmas snowman from M&S with magnetic legs and hands. We wrapped them all, put labels on them VT sealed and addressed the package and took it to the PO. It cost £13 to send. but it is worth it i hope.
The packet we used was one they sent to us with something in, and VT had kept it, so that was recycled.
VT went into Crosby to get the cat's Frontline flea spray, with his voucher, and was back in time for lunch.
I had a little go on the new Netbook, this afternoon, quite impressive I must say, he says there is anhour left of battery time, so it will probably need recharging tonight.
Tonight we are having:
Possibly a casserole of some leftover veg tonight.
Maybe lamb style grills.
I wanted to get the Australia parcel ready sometime this week so it was a good chance to do that.
I had bought a really nice Thomas Kinkade calendar, a DVD about Triumph motorbikes for John, (hope he enjoys that), VT spotted that in Dobbies, a set of two really pretty lavender hearts from Laura Ashley, and a dangly christmas snowman from M&S with magnetic legs and hands. We wrapped them all, put labels on them VT sealed and addressed the package and took it to the PO. It cost £13 to send. but it is worth it i hope.
The packet we used was one they sent to us with something in, and VT had kept it, so that was recycled.
VT went into Crosby to get the cat's Frontline flea spray, with his voucher, and was back in time for lunch.
I had a little go on the new Netbook, this afternoon, quite impressive I must say, he says there is anhour left of battery time, so it will probably need recharging tonight.
Tonight we are having:
Possibly a casserole of some leftover veg tonight.
Maybe lamb style grills.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Lost Day...and New Arrival
Totally lost the day yesterday Tuesday.Woke up really feeling rough, don't know what it wads, some sort of bug all I wanted to do was sleep no appetite and didn't do anything all day.
Better today though.
Today my new Acer Netbook arrived, we werenT expecting it for a few days so it was a surprise.VT got it going quite quickly, but in order to get it going online it needed a Wifi connection, which is being loaded very slowly as I type. Yt's a lovely looking little thing and very portable, should be quite useful I think.
So we had an unexpected visit to Aintree to PC World and Maplins. Maplins was £30 cheaper actually so we got theirs.
On the way back we called in at the other retail park so I could get a few things fromM&S I wanted to put into parcels.
Home by lunch time and now waiting for the thingy to upload.
Tonight we are having:
Something simple from the freezer,
Vegetables from the fridge.
Better today though.
Today my new Acer Netbook arrived, we werenT expecting it for a few days so it was a surprise.VT got it going quite quickly, but in order to get it going online it needed a Wifi connection, which is being loaded very slowly as I type. Yt's a lovely looking little thing and very portable, should be quite useful I think.
So we had an unexpected visit to Aintree to PC World and Maplins. Maplins was £30 cheaper actually so we got theirs.
On the way back we called in at the other retail park so I could get a few things fromM&S I wanted to put into parcels.
Home by lunch time and now waiting for the thingy to upload.
Tonight we are having:
Something simple from the freezer,
Vegetables from the fridge.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Monday Outing..
Awoken early this morning by Bobby crawling all over my head.Very disturbing actually. She tends to come on my pillow, and makes herself comfy on top of my head, which is fine till she starts picking at my hair. trouble is you can't really relax because she just might bite or scratch, but you can't move her, she is so lovely. We are waking up early, VT is getting up at about 8ish because of the clocks going back, but then he goes and gets the coffee and we have a chat till it is get up time.
We went into Crosby to get the veggies, VT went to the Lloyds chemist to see how much the flea treatment is there. He had a voucher for £5 off, but he said he thought that it was cheaper at the vets. Anyway he rang up the vets this afternoon and it is the same price so the voucher is genuine and makes them cheaper! There was a fun fair in the centre today,a bit noisy,but it's the half term and it was quite busy. Some good rides, little teacups, and a train. Good fun if you had a little one.
Went to Sainsbury's to ge the veggies ofr the week, got a stew pack for the first time this winter, I'll do a hot pot perhaps one night. Then got the usual range of veg to go with a variety of things during the week.
Tonight we are having:
Goat's cheese and Cranberry escalopes,
Sliced new potatoes,
Veg with a sauce, maybe cauliflower and broccoli. with mushrooms.
We went into Crosby to get the veggies, VT went to the Lloyds chemist to see how much the flea treatment is there. He had a voucher for £5 off, but he said he thought that it was cheaper at the vets. Anyway he rang up the vets this afternoon and it is the same price so the voucher is genuine and makes them cheaper! There was a fun fair in the centre today,a bit noisy,but it's the half term and it was quite busy. Some good rides, little teacups, and a train. Good fun if you had a little one.
Went to Sainsbury's to ge the veggies ofr the week, got a stew pack for the first time this winter, I'll do a hot pot perhaps one night. Then got the usual range of veg to go with a variety of things during the week.
Tonight we are having:
Goat's cheese and Cranberry escalopes,
Sliced new potatoes,
Veg with a sauce, maybe cauliflower and broccoli. with mushrooms.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Weekend Things..
Saturday, was a fairly quiet day, nice weather but a bit blowy.VT went to Maghull to get a few things, and also to Homebase because they had an offer on smokeless fuel.
I bought a Netbook the other day. it was a today's special value from QVC.
Acer Aspire 531 Windows 7 10.1" 250GB HDD Wifi Netbook with 1 GB RAM
QVC Price£346.75 Item Number562543 Availability Some choices not in stock UK P&P£9.
We ordered a black one and it should come within 10-12 days.
Jane is mad at me. She thinks I should have consulted her first..when do your children tell you what to do!!
last night we had:
Tacos and very tasty they were too.
Chilli mince with beans and chocolate,
Lettuce. Salsa, Creme fraiche.
Quite blowy today, next door have a washing line full of washing blowing away.
The big event of the weekend was the clocks going back, so you get an extra hour in bed this morning. As I type this it is dark at 5.15 now, pitch black, and lights everywhere. i suppose the nights will rapidly start drawing in now.
VT went into crosby for a few things, then went to Formby to get a magazine for me. Bless him. Easy living magazine for £1 which is a good read. he said there is going to be a Costa Coffee in Formby opposite the Cafe Nero!! apart from coffee shops and charity shops there isn't much else now.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza..we have made our usual dough,
Tomato sauce home made,
Mushroom and a few cheeses.
Salad with baby tomatoes avocado and seeds.
Potato salad and past a salad.
I bought a Netbook the other day. it was a today's special value from QVC.
Acer Aspire 531 Windows 7 10.1" 250GB HDD Wifi Netbook with 1 GB RAM
QVC Price£346.75 Item Number562543 Availability Some choices not in stock UK P&P£9.
We ordered a black one and it should come within 10-12 days.
Jane is mad at me. She thinks I should have consulted her first..when do your children tell you what to do!!
last night we had:
Tacos and very tasty they were too.
Chilli mince with beans and chocolate,
Lettuce. Salsa, Creme fraiche.
Quite blowy today, next door have a washing line full of washing blowing away.
The big event of the weekend was the clocks going back, so you get an extra hour in bed this morning. As I type this it is dark at 5.15 now, pitch black, and lights everywhere. i suppose the nights will rapidly start drawing in now.
VT went into crosby for a few things, then went to Formby to get a magazine for me. Bless him. Easy living magazine for £1 which is a good read. he said there is going to be a Costa Coffee in Formby opposite the Cafe Nero!! apart from coffee shops and charity shops there isn't much else now.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza..we have made our usual dough,
Tomato sauce home made,
Mushroom and a few cheeses.
Salad with baby tomatoes avocado and seeds.
Potato salad and past a salad.
Friday, 23 October 2009
Out and About..
No post today, they are on strike, but we often don't get post on a Friday anyway.
We went to Asda this morning with my money. There were some kids around, and some of the staff were dressed up for Halloween..very scary costumes.But, all good fun.
VT went off to do a bit of mooching while I had a look round. I usually have a look at the books, and sometimes the clothing, but rarely buy anything, Asda vlothing isn't very good value, and the sizing is odd, so I normally end up sending it back.
Got all our groceries, a few imnpulse buys, well, quite a few impulse buys but they are things we can put into stock.
Jane rang up last night..she is convincved that I have made a mistake getting a Netbook,she keeps saying that it will be too small and I won't be able to see it, but we shall see. We will get it and try it and use it for a bit and try it out.I bought it because of its portability really, not a large lap top that you have to lug around. I think she's jealous.
Tonight we are having:
Garlic kievs
Vegetables that we have left in the fridge,
Sliced potatoes, or squashed potatoes.
Mushrooms sauteed.
We went to Asda this morning with my money. There were some kids around, and some of the staff were dressed up for Halloween..very scary costumes.But, all good fun.
VT went off to do a bit of mooching while I had a look round. I usually have a look at the books, and sometimes the clothing, but rarely buy anything, Asda vlothing isn't very good value, and the sizing is odd, so I normally end up sending it back.
Got all our groceries, a few imnpulse buys, well, quite a few impulse buys but they are things we can put into stock.
Jane rang up last night..she is convincved that I have made a mistake getting a Netbook,she keeps saying that it will be too small and I won't be able to see it, but we shall see. We will get it and try it and use it for a bit and try it out.I bought it because of its portability really, not a large lap top that you have to lug around. I think she's jealous.
Tonight we are having:
Garlic kievs
Vegetables that we have left in the fridge,
Sliced potatoes, or squashed potatoes.
Mushrooms sauteed.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
I've bought a Netbook!!
Just been on QVC and bought a netbook. It is an Acer 531 with Windows 7. I have been meaning to get a laptop for ages now, and this was a Today's Special value for £309 all in but on three easy pay of £99 a month. Three colours, black blue or red. We have gone for the mat black. Can't wait for it to be delivered now, have to wait 10-14 days though.
We were up early this morning, and off to The Cheshire Oaks. The weather people yesterday said that it was going to be wet after lunch and cloudy all day, but it was a lovely day actually. We had our usual trat of a Soy latte at Costa Coffee, and went round everywhere. VT bought some new trousers from M&S and a pair of Pyjamas, and I bought a few things for my Secret Santa presents. the only thing I bought myself was a new silver chain from Chapelle to wear with my larger pendants. I'm pleased with that.
We got our lunch at Pret a manget VT got a vegetable sushi which he really enjoyed, and I got a slim sandwich of cheese and salad and a bag of crisps.
We were home by 3.30 ish, and after a baby cup of coffee i went on the net for a few minutes. Just long enough to do this and buy a Netbook!
So I'm quite pleased today.
Tonight we are having:
Meatballs with pasta, maybe spaghetti,
green beans on the side,
Maybe a slice of garlic bread.
We were up early this morning, and off to The Cheshire Oaks. The weather people yesterday said that it was going to be wet after lunch and cloudy all day, but it was a lovely day actually. We had our usual trat of a Soy latte at Costa Coffee, and went round everywhere. VT bought some new trousers from M&S and a pair of Pyjamas, and I bought a few things for my Secret Santa presents. the only thing I bought myself was a new silver chain from Chapelle to wear with my larger pendants. I'm pleased with that.
We got our lunch at Pret a manget VT got a vegetable sushi which he really enjoyed, and I got a slim sandwich of cheese and salad and a bag of crisps.
We were home by 3.30 ish, and after a baby cup of coffee i went on the net for a few minutes. Just long enough to do this and buy a Netbook!
So I'm quite pleased today.
Tonight we are having:
Meatballs with pasta, maybe spaghetti,
green beans on the side,
Maybe a slice of garlic bread.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
In Today..
We stayed in today, mainly because we are intending to go to The Cheshire Oaks tomorrow, and we like a bit of a breather before we go there.
So we did bits and pieces. I finished my book this morning..a Dexter novel which was very well written actually. Just like the TV series. VT did some phoning he wanted to do,had our coffee, and I worked on a letter to John and Ann in Australia. Unbelievably I started it in August!! and it is now October. Must get it finished and posted off with their Christmas things.
It is a lovely Autumn day here really, clear sky, and leaves falling. I wish we were in New England, driving along the Kankamaugus Highway. Dream on..maybe next year.
Mrs Tyson has just been selling poppies. early this year, but I have seen a few news readers wearing them, including Gordon Brown.
Tonight we are having:
Chicken and mushroom style slice,
Baby potatoes, squashed,
Carrots beans and peas.
So we did bits and pieces. I finished my book this morning..a Dexter novel which was very well written actually. Just like the TV series. VT did some phoning he wanted to do,had our coffee, and I worked on a letter to John and Ann in Australia. Unbelievably I started it in August!! and it is now October. Must get it finished and posted off with their Christmas things.
It is a lovely Autumn day here really, clear sky, and leaves falling. I wish we were in New England, driving along the Kankamaugus Highway. Dream on..maybe next year.
Mrs Tyson has just been selling poppies. early this year, but I have seen a few news readers wearing them, including Gordon Brown.
Tonight we are having:
Chicken and mushroom style slice,
Baby potatoes, squashed,
Carrots beans and peas.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
All Spinached Up!!
Had my last appointment at Aintree this morning to get the last of five Venofer transfusions. The appointment was for 10.30,and the traffic was really light so we got there at about 10.15ish. Parked quite easily, and went in via the back entrance. VT took the penny in the pound form too so it could be stamped,apparently you can get a claim for a day case visit, and there were five, so we'll see what we get back.
Slow getting done though, had to wait with the heating pad on the arm, so the vein would stand out, then waited ages for the tubes to be inserted. The poor girl was very busy today though, people everywhere all having different things done. Got the venofer going eventually, and a really slow drip, last week she whizzed it through. Poor VT was waiting for me when I'd finished.
Trouble was I also had an appointment for the Mammogram thing, but I decided I'd ring them and get that re-arranged, so we went to M&S for our coffee instead of going home. VT had a loyalty card that he could get a free coffee after five weeks so he got that. No biscuits though in M&S!! can't believe that.Ah well less calories.
Had a bit of a look round, they do have some lovely Christmas things,sweet little trees that light up.
Got a good selection of veggies there, then came home.
Tonight we are having:
Fillets in wine and mushroom sauce,
1/2 pack of white rice.
Slow getting done though, had to wait with the heating pad on the arm, so the vein would stand out, then waited ages for the tubes to be inserted. The poor girl was very busy today though, people everywhere all having different things done. Got the venofer going eventually, and a really slow drip, last week she whizzed it through. Poor VT was waiting for me when I'd finished.
Trouble was I also had an appointment for the Mammogram thing, but I decided I'd ring them and get that re-arranged, so we went to M&S for our coffee instead of going home. VT had a loyalty card that he could get a free coffee after five weeks so he got that. No biscuits though in M&S!! can't believe that.Ah well less calories.
Had a bit of a look round, they do have some lovely Christmas things,sweet little trees that light up.
Got a good selection of veggies there, then came home.
Tonight we are having:
Fillets in wine and mushroom sauce,
1/2 pack of white rice.
Monday, 19 October 2009
Monday..Household Appliances..
We decided to stay in today. VT got some veggies yesterday from Morrisons,so we didn't actually need to go out today. Tomorrow is another visit to Aintree hospital for the Venofer infusion, and then maybe a Breast Mammogram thingy in Waterloo later. Not sure whether I am bothered about that really. Anyway tomorrow is likely to be a reasonably busy day, so it is good we stopped in.
I did a bit of Hoovering, and we did the oven . VT wanted to replace the hinges on the oven door, because it is a while since the door shut properly, so he dismantled all the oven door. Now this meant that the glass inner door could be cleaned so I st to with the green pad and the Astonish . Came up really well actually. To be honest, the cooker is very good, and doesn't get badly greasy or dirty, probably because it isn't used for doing meat dishes. The last repairer who came to do something to the oven remarked on how clean it was, he said you should see some people's ovens.The thing is, if you don't have meat roasting and spitting all over the oven it must stay cleaner.
Anyway VT re-assembled the oven door, and now it looks like new. Scrubs up really well. We then had our coffee, and he found the two new hinges that he had forgotten about at the back of the drawer. He had a look at the freezer after lunch. He wanted to check the hole at the back where the water drains into it, but he said that was ok.
So, it is VT the repairman today.
Tonight we are having:
Quorn escalopes,
Carrots and peas and beans mixed,
Baby potatoes roasted.
Mushroom sauce.
I did a bit of Hoovering, and we did the oven . VT wanted to replace the hinges on the oven door, because it is a while since the door shut properly, so he dismantled all the oven door. Now this meant that the glass inner door could be cleaned so I st to with the green pad and the Astonish . Came up really well actually. To be honest, the cooker is very good, and doesn't get badly greasy or dirty, probably because it isn't used for doing meat dishes. The last repairer who came to do something to the oven remarked on how clean it was, he said you should see some people's ovens.The thing is, if you don't have meat roasting and spitting all over the oven it must stay cleaner.
Anyway VT re-assembled the oven door, and now it looks like new. Scrubs up really well. We then had our coffee, and he found the two new hinges that he had forgotten about at the back of the drawer. He had a look at the freezer after lunch. He wanted to check the hole at the back where the water drains into it, but he said that was ok.
So, it is VT the repairman today.
Tonight we are having:
Quorn escalopes,
Carrots and peas and beans mixed,
Baby potatoes roasted.
Mushroom sauce.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Busy Busy....
Because yesterday was different and we did our weekend shopping instead of Friday, we ended up doing the bedding today. This actually involves two loads of washing and about three loads of tumble drying. none of which you can leave because the tumble drier is not a large one, and it tends to ball up the washing so that it continually has to be unfolded or it just doesn't dry.
The new bedding is lovely but it is a bit of a pain to launder with it being 100% cotton and it needs ironing. I get away with some of that though because the duvet cover is covered with a quilt, and the bed sheet straightens out on the bed, so you only have to do the pillowcases actually.
Started the day with making the Sourdough loaf. That has just come out of the oven, and has made a tasty looking loaf. Then did the pizza dough for tonight, and the roast vegetables for the top of the pizza.
Crosswords this afternoon by the fire that VT laid, very cosy. Mine the "You" magazine was a bit difficult today, he finished his "Sunday Express" very quickly then had a go with mine. My brain isn't working today and I had made a few errors that threw me off kilter. South Pacific Island ending in i 6 letters. I had put Hawaii but the answer was tahiti. Made a difference. So a bit of Tippex used on mine today. VT nearly finished the MOS one too except for a few answers. His brain is top rate today. You get days like that sometimes.
Just finished the bed off and finished the last of the crossword. Busy day in the end.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our tomato sauce,
Roast vegetables,
Salad with avocado and baby plum tomatoes and seeds,
Potato salad and Pasta salad.
The new bedding is lovely but it is a bit of a pain to launder with it being 100% cotton and it needs ironing. I get away with some of that though because the duvet cover is covered with a quilt, and the bed sheet straightens out on the bed, so you only have to do the pillowcases actually.
Started the day with making the Sourdough loaf. That has just come out of the oven, and has made a tasty looking loaf. Then did the pizza dough for tonight, and the roast vegetables for the top of the pizza.
Crosswords this afternoon by the fire that VT laid, very cosy. Mine the "You" magazine was a bit difficult today, he finished his "Sunday Express" very quickly then had a go with mine. My brain isn't working today and I had made a few errors that threw me off kilter. South Pacific Island ending in i 6 letters. I had put Hawaii but the answer was tahiti. Made a difference. So a bit of Tippex used on mine today. VT nearly finished the MOS one too except for a few answers. His brain is top rate today. You get days like that sometimes.
Just finished the bed off and finished the last of the crossword. Busy day in the end.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our tomato sauce,
Roast vegetables,
Salad with avocado and baby plum tomatoes and seeds,
Potato salad and Pasta salad.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
A Change is as good as a Rest...
Saturday today, but it was unusual for us because we didn't do usual Saturday things. We got up at the normal time then went and did our Friday shop. Since the fridge man came yesterday afternoon quite late, we couldn't go and get anything in case he didn't come.
So, we went this morning. I decided we would go to Tescaw, where we never go these days, and was dreading it really. I thought it would be heaving, and we would be going round the car park for ages looking for a spot. Not at all, there were plenty of spots, and the shop was no busier than out normal Friday shop. So we whizzed round and got everything we wanted and bought petrol in the petrol station on the way out as well. So, we had a Tesco fest today. Haven't been in there for ages.
Otherwise our Saturdays were much the same. Papers in the afternoon, and out meal at eightish.
tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers,
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for me
tartare sauce.
So, we went this morning. I decided we would go to Tescaw, where we never go these days, and was dreading it really. I thought it would be heaving, and we would be going round the car park for ages looking for a spot. Not at all, there were plenty of spots, and the shop was no busier than out normal Friday shop. So we whizzed round and got everything we wanted and bought petrol in the petrol station on the way out as well. So, we had a Tesco fest today. Haven't been in there for ages.
Otherwise our Saturdays were much the same. Papers in the afternoon, and out meal at eightish.
tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers,
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for me
tartare sauce.
Friday, 16 October 2009
Funny friday..
Totally different from our usual friday, which is when we do our weekend shop. Our routine varies little really, and we generally go somewhere to do the shop either Sainsbury's Asda Waitrose or Morrisons.
Today we had to stop in. The fridge is still very dodgy. It has come on and gone off again so we can't go out to get the salads etc in case something happens and it goes off.
So this morning we wiped down the front of the fridge and the freezer, removed the magnets, and VT found some cleaner to get the doors clean.I found new homes for some crockery that has been hanging around for ages. Difficult to find places in cupboards though. We have an awful lot of clutter, so many mugs etc.
So today is different, not like a normal Friday at all. Very strange. You have the same routine week in week out and then it changes. I think a lot of people get used to their routines though dare I say it especially as you get older. A lot of what we have been doing recently has centred around hospital appointments, and car things. We could do with a few days out really. maybe next week.
Tonight we are having:
Something from the freezer.
Don't know what yet, maybe an escalope.
Chanterey carrots, and peas,
Squashed potatoes.
Today we had to stop in. The fridge is still very dodgy. It has come on and gone off again so we can't go out to get the salads etc in case something happens and it goes off.
So this morning we wiped down the front of the fridge and the freezer, removed the magnets, and VT found some cleaner to get the doors clean.I found new homes for some crockery that has been hanging around for ages. Difficult to find places in cupboards though. We have an awful lot of clutter, so many mugs etc.
So today is different, not like a normal Friday at all. Very strange. You have the same routine week in week out and then it changes. I think a lot of people get used to their routines though dare I say it especially as you get older. A lot of what we have been doing recently has centred around hospital appointments, and car things. We could do with a few days out really. maybe next week.
Tonight we are having:
Something from the freezer.
Don't know what yet, maybe an escalope.
Chanterey carrots, and peas,
Squashed potatoes.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Funny Day...
As VT keeps saying..
Started the day latish, I had my usual rice cakes and Dairylea, and VT had his slice of toast and marmalade. Then he said..this butter (Benecol) spread is soft!
He went and had a looksee at the fridge, and lo and behold it has gone off! completely off..kaput. So that is the day set. We were going to have a quiet day with not a lot doing because we have had early starts and appointments this week, and the fridge gets us.
VT had a quick look at it, and it seemed to revive a bit, but dodgy. So, he rang the firm that came out when the freezer needed attention.
As luck would have it..their man was in Southport, and ws coming back this way so he could come on the way back!!!! How often do you get that?? he was in the house within an hour! and said it was the compressor. he didn't have one on the van but could get one tomorrow afternoon, and fix it! That's good service eh! Lovely Liverpool lad. VT said he had a bit of aglance round in case we had hidden cameras! only kidding.
had to throw a few things out like milk that had gone off, and hummous and dip, mayonnaise etc, but not too bad. Lucky eh.
So that's the day really. Tomorrow of course we can't go and do the shop, we will have to do it later.
Tonight we are having:
A sort of hot pot.
Layers of potato, carrot a bit of leek
Started the day latish, I had my usual rice cakes and Dairylea, and VT had his slice of toast and marmalade. Then he said..this butter (Benecol) spread is soft!
He went and had a looksee at the fridge, and lo and behold it has gone off! completely off..kaput. So that is the day set. We were going to have a quiet day with not a lot doing because we have had early starts and appointments this week, and the fridge gets us.
VT had a quick look at it, and it seemed to revive a bit, but dodgy. So, he rang the firm that came out when the freezer needed attention.
As luck would have it..their man was in Southport, and ws coming back this way so he could come on the way back!!!! How often do you get that?? he was in the house within an hour! and said it was the compressor. he didn't have one on the van but could get one tomorrow afternoon, and fix it! That's good service eh! Lovely Liverpool lad. VT said he had a bit of aglance round in case we had hidden cameras! only kidding.
had to throw a few things out like milk that had gone off, and hummous and dip, mayonnaise etc, but not too bad. Lucky eh.
So that's the day really. Tomorrow of course we can't go and do the shop, we will have to do it later.
Tonight we are having:
A sort of hot pot.
Layers of potato, carrot a bit of leek
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
In Which VT Has A Busy Day...
He got up with the lark this morning, about sevenish. i was still asleep. The first I knew, i was woken up with a kiss and he said there is a cup of coffee bless him. He had got up in the dark, got dressed in the dark, gone down and had breakfast, and I hadn't heard a peep.
The reason..he was taking his car to Southport to get the Cam Shaft done, and the drive belts too what ever they are.
He scooted off to Southport, and was back by a quarter to nine!! £3.75 on the train!!!! couldn't believe it when he said.
After lunch we watched Doctors then we went to get the car. it is free for me because I have the bus pass. Toy Boy doesn't. Never mind he will in six years.
Southport is looking a bit decrepit really, especially the back streets. The shop the used to be Morrisons, then Waitrose looks really dreadful..awful actually, all boarded up and unkempt.
Home by five.
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and onion crispbakes,
Cauliflower and broccoli cheese
Saute potatoes.
The reason..he was taking his car to Southport to get the Cam Shaft done, and the drive belts too what ever they are.
He scooted off to Southport, and was back by a quarter to nine!! £3.75 on the train!!!! couldn't believe it when he said.
After lunch we watched Doctors then we went to get the car. it is free for me because I have the bus pass. Toy Boy doesn't. Never mind he will in six years.
Southport is looking a bit decrepit really, especially the back streets. The shop the used to be Morrisons, then Waitrose looks really dreadful..awful actually, all boarded up and unkempt.
Home by five.
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and onion crispbakes,
Cauliflower and broccoli cheese
Saute potatoes.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Crack of Dawn..
Not really, but it seemed like it. We were up at seven because I had to be at Aintree Hospital at 9 O'Clock. We drove a different way to our usual because the traffic would be heavier, and only got caught in Maghull going up to the lights. After that it was a breeze, and we were in the hospital by ten to nine. Walked up to the ward and went straight in. Quite quiet then, not many in the ward, and got hooked up after a time under a nice warm pillow to heat the hands up! The Venofer whizzed through very quickly today, and I walked down to the car even before VT had had his coffee. he usually waits for ages, so had taken a flask and coffee with him, and was all settled in, in his nice little warm nook, then I arrived and spoiled it. never mind we went from there to M&S and got a lovely coffee there sitting on the sofas. Very pleasant. VT will be pleased next week, he gets a free coffee on 6their loyalty card..
He nipped up to Halfords while I had a look round M&S. I was looking for a pair of earrings to go with my necklace from Past Times, but didn't see any. Have sent the QVC ones back, not really what I wanted. next time we go to The Cheshire Oaks I will see what they have to match. Must admit I like things matching.
We then went to the next retail park, he wanted to go to Homebase so I nipped into Laura Ashley outlet shop. They do have some lovely things, but quite expensive. Did buy some lavender hearts which are really pretty, to send in John and Anns parcel for Christmas.I suppose we had better get that off soon the way the post is going here, talk of strikes all over. The sooner things are posted the better really.
Tonight we are having:
Sausages in mushroom gravy,
mashed potato with leek and a bit of creme fraiche,
Cabbage and leek.
He nipped up to Halfords while I had a look round M&S. I was looking for a pair of earrings to go with my necklace from Past Times, but didn't see any. Have sent the QVC ones back, not really what I wanted. next time we go to The Cheshire Oaks I will see what they have to match. Must admit I like things matching.
We then went to the next retail park, he wanted to go to Homebase so I nipped into Laura Ashley outlet shop. They do have some lovely things, but quite expensive. Did buy some lavender hearts which are really pretty, to send in John and Anns parcel for Christmas.I suppose we had better get that off soon the way the post is going here, talk of strikes all over. The sooner things are posted the better really.
Tonight we are having:
Sausages in mushroom gravy,
mashed potato with leek and a bit of creme fraiche,
Cabbage and leek.
Monday, 12 October 2009
Let Loose..
Nearly got away this morning! We went into Crosby to get the veggies for the week.VT got a half hour ticket from the machine,went to the bank machine, then he went to put the prescription into the GPs and I went round Sainsbury's. Let loose round the store..limited to half an hour though.
Break in our routine for the past few weeks I have had to go to Aintree hospital to get the Venofer injections,so we have been going to M&S, so it made a change to go somewhere different. They do have a good range of veggies actually, I got most of what I needed. The only thing we didn't get was basil oil, which we use for our pizzas. Have to get that from Morrisons or Tescaw.
Wasn't long before VT caught me up though..so I sent him off to look for the basil oil, while I got around a bit more.He caught me up again at the Horlicks where I was buying some sachets at 18p instead of 25p.
Just listening to Leona Lewis on the radio..what a good voice that girl has and a real star now. good for her. Steve Wright has just played SuBo's version of White Horses, what a great version too. Quite some finds those two.We watched the X Factor and can't say that there are any stars like those two.
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and garlic kievs,
Baby potatoes, squashed.
Carrots and beans,
Mushrooms in a bit of creme fraiche to make a sauce.
Break in our routine for the past few weeks I have had to go to Aintree hospital to get the Venofer injections,so we have been going to M&S, so it made a change to go somewhere different. They do have a good range of veggies actually, I got most of what I needed. The only thing we didn't get was basil oil, which we use for our pizzas. Have to get that from Morrisons or Tescaw.
Wasn't long before VT caught me up though..so I sent him off to look for the basil oil, while I got around a bit more.He caught me up again at the Horlicks where I was buying some sachets at 18p instead of 25p.
Just listening to Leona Lewis on the radio..what a good voice that girl has and a real star now. good for her. Steve Wright has just played SuBo's version of White Horses, what a great version too. Quite some finds those two.We watched the X Factor and can't say that there are any stars like those two.
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and garlic kievs,
Baby potatoes, squashed.
Carrots and beans,
Mushrooms in a bit of creme fraiche to make a sauce.
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Weekend Doings..
Didn't get round to doing the blog yesterday for some reason. No particular reason, just missed the opportunity, but it doesn't matter.
Last night we had:
Chinese..Spring Rolls,
VT's special egg fried rice, which is lovely and tasty,
Plum and ginger sauce,
Stir fry veggies with extra mushrooms.
Very tasty. I do have to say that VT does a really good egg fried rice, it is much better than the takeaway shops, and you know what is in it too.
Didn't do a lot yesterday really. VT went to Maghull, then we sort of lazed about in the afternoon, reading the papers etc.
Latish getting up this morning, but there is no rush is there. We can get up when we want, and we tend to lie in and VT brings a cup of coffee and a cow biscuit, the cats are on the bed. Bobby is in the middle, and little Rusty sits on VT's front, like a sphinx.It's so peaceful really, and warm and cosy. I aint a morning person and have never liked getting up in the morning. I think Jane is the same from what she says.
Didn't do a loaf today, we will do an Aussie one tomorrow. Their loaves are really good and rise beautifully. Seems awful to get bread mixes all the way from Australia, but they are much better than ours!
Tonight we are having:
pizza margherita, with beef tomato and mozzarellqa and basil,
Potato salad and Pasta salad for VT
Salad with avocado and baby yellow plum tomatoes.
Last night we had:
Chinese..Spring Rolls,
VT's special egg fried rice, which is lovely and tasty,
Plum and ginger sauce,
Stir fry veggies with extra mushrooms.
Very tasty. I do have to say that VT does a really good egg fried rice, it is much better than the takeaway shops, and you know what is in it too.
Didn't do a lot yesterday really. VT went to Maghull, then we sort of lazed about in the afternoon, reading the papers etc.
Latish getting up this morning, but there is no rush is there. We can get up when we want, and we tend to lie in and VT brings a cup of coffee and a cow biscuit, the cats are on the bed. Bobby is in the middle, and little Rusty sits on VT's front, like a sphinx.It's so peaceful really, and warm and cosy. I aint a morning person and have never liked getting up in the morning. I think Jane is the same from what she says.
Didn't do a loaf today, we will do an Aussie one tomorrow. Their loaves are really good and rise beautifully. Seems awful to get bread mixes all the way from Australia, but they are much better than ours!
Tonight we are having:
pizza margherita, with beef tomato and mozzarellqa and basil,
Potato salad and Pasta salad for VT
Salad with avocado and baby yellow plum tomatoes.
Friday, 9 October 2009
Friday Shop..
We took my money off to Asda this morning. Got up fairly reasonable, and were out by 10.45, not too bad. We don't have a cup of coffee out when we go there though so that saves time. Asda coffee is terrible, it is served in plastic beakers!!! the only supermarket to do this. Even Morrisons have nice cups and saucers, and their coffee is good. Asda need to be told really. We would have coffee there if it was pleasant, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
We got quite a few things there, including bargain Whiskas cat food for the babies, 24 pouches for £3 VT reckons it works out at 12 1/2 p a pouch..which is brilliant. I wish I had got more actually. Got some nice mints, and some good biscuits for cheese. VT went off to The Range store for a look round while I perused the books and clothes. The clothes are rubbish really, but I did change a jumper for a necklace and matching earrings for the same price.So quite happy.
VT said in the Au Natrel shop, they had some fake ears, for the over the hill..to help with hearing!!!!!!! That's terrible, I wish I had been with him, I would have said something, he said he was glad I wasn't with him!! Coward.
Home by lunch time, and a bit of post, not very interesting, but my jewellery had arrived from QVC, late actually, I was beginning to get worried. Just a pair of earrings to go with a necklace I had bought from Past Times in The Cheshire Oaks.
Intending to watch the last episode of the series that has been running all week, each night at 9 O'Clock. What a good series it has been too. Criminal Justice, with Denis Lawson and the excellent Maxine Peake, and Sophie Okinawa. Can't wait to see how it ends.
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers,
Green beans for me and mushy peas for VT
Chips!! our once a fortnight treat.
Tartare sauce
We got quite a few things there, including bargain Whiskas cat food for the babies, 24 pouches for £3 VT reckons it works out at 12 1/2 p a pouch..which is brilliant. I wish I had got more actually. Got some nice mints, and some good biscuits for cheese. VT went off to The Range store for a look round while I perused the books and clothes. The clothes are rubbish really, but I did change a jumper for a necklace and matching earrings for the same price.So quite happy.
VT said in the Au Natrel shop, they had some fake ears, for the over the hill..to help with hearing!!!!!!! That's terrible, I wish I had been with him, I would have said something, he said he was glad I wasn't with him!! Coward.
Home by lunch time, and a bit of post, not very interesting, but my jewellery had arrived from QVC, late actually, I was beginning to get worried. Just a pair of earrings to go with a necklace I had bought from Past Times in The Cheshire Oaks.
Intending to watch the last episode of the series that has been running all week, each night at 9 O'Clock. What a good series it has been too. Criminal Justice, with Denis Lawson and the excellent Maxine Peake, and Sophie Okinawa. Can't wait to see how it ends.
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers,
Green beans for me and mushy peas for VT
Chips!! our once a fortnight treat.
Tartare sauce
Thursday, 8 October 2009
In Today..
Started the day early, but then had a lie in. Little Rusty was on both of us but more on VT..she just loves sitting on him, and will perch there for a long time. She tends to go on my hip, which is funny when you wake up, and she is perched on the top..wobbling.
We were going out to Maghull, but in the end didn't. I decided I had enough clothes, so we did the kitchen floor instead. We now have a sparkling floor, and a load of washing done.
It is a glorious day today actually,if you were in The cotswolds you would be thrilled, alovely Autumn day. There are loads of leaves outside, and they weere only cleared up last week.
VT is enjoying a cat book at the moment, and keeps reading me bits or telling me what they are getting up to. It is about a woman and her Siamese cat called Claudius who travel across America together. Sounds a good read.
I am reading a Dexter book at the moment, which is sort of a black comedy really. Quite funny,written in the style of the television series which is quite a cult here.
Jane rang up this afternoon, I missed her, but she had a good chat with her Daddy, and filled him in on her progress.
Tonight we are having:
Tomato and Basil sauce,
Broccoli and asparagus.
One slice of garlic bread.
We were going out to Maghull, but in the end didn't. I decided I had enough clothes, so we did the kitchen floor instead. We now have a sparkling floor, and a load of washing done.
It is a glorious day today actually,if you were in The cotswolds you would be thrilled, alovely Autumn day. There are loads of leaves outside, and they weere only cleared up last week.
VT is enjoying a cat book at the moment, and keeps reading me bits or telling me what they are getting up to. It is about a woman and her Siamese cat called Claudius who travel across America together. Sounds a good read.
I am reading a Dexter book at the moment, which is sort of a black comedy really. Quite funny,written in the style of the television series which is quite a cult here.
Jane rang up this afternoon, I missed her, but she had a good chat with her Daddy, and filled him in on her progress.
Tonight we are having:
Tomato and Basil sauce,
Broccoli and asparagus.
One slice of garlic bread.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Out for Coffee...
Arrived at Dobbies to the strains of Peggy Lee singing "Black Coffee" on the radio. very appropriate. She had one amazing voice that lady. Then we had a conversation about plastic surgery..shame what she did.
Dobbies is getting ready for christmas, with the trees and decorations going up everywhere. The food hall has all the Christmassy food out,and you can't move for decorations and cards. VT got some bulbs for planting,some nice little dwarf ones for the pots. I resisted the urge to get anything today. Very restrained.
Called in at Waitrose on the way back, we wanted to get some coffee beans, and I wanted some lettuce. Got those plus a few other things, treated the cats to some chicken, and new cat food in little tins that were on offer. Their shopping came to more than ours!
Just home in time for lunch, no post, that arrived mid afternoon!!
The books from The Book People arrived this morning, but I am still waiting for my QVC thing. Definitely something wrong with the post these days..mid afternoon delivery just isn't good enough really. Remember the days when the post arrived before you got up, then you got a midday post as well!!
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and onion crispbake,
Potatoes sliced and sauteed,
Beans carrots and butternut squash.
Dobbies is getting ready for christmas, with the trees and decorations going up everywhere. The food hall has all the Christmassy food out,and you can't move for decorations and cards. VT got some bulbs for planting,some nice little dwarf ones for the pots. I resisted the urge to get anything today. Very restrained.
Called in at Waitrose on the way back, we wanted to get some coffee beans, and I wanted some lettuce. Got those plus a few other things, treated the cats to some chicken, and new cat food in little tins that were on offer. Their shopping came to more than ours!
Just home in time for lunch, no post, that arrived mid afternoon!!
The books from The Book People arrived this morning, but I am still waiting for my QVC thing. Definitely something wrong with the post these days..mid afternoon delivery just isn't good enough really. Remember the days when the post arrived before you got up, then you got a midday post as well!!
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and onion crispbake,
Potatoes sliced and sauteed,
Beans carrots and butternut squash.
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
On The turn...
Definitely colder today. Awoke to a dark morning, with leaves everywhere, probably from the blowy day the other day. Then mid-morning it started chucking down, VT went to Aldi to buy a knife sharpener. They had them on sale for 6.99 electrical. Of course when he came home he had to try it out. It seems to work better anyway than the one I bought from the Betterware man. That was £4 and is absolute rubbish..sorry betterware.
Still raining now, it hasn't really warmed up at all today. we have had lights and heaters on everywhere today.
No post, or book delivered yet. VT has been carrying round the bell all day, we did think that the book people ones would have come, but nothing yet. They usually deliver quite quickly.
Nothing on the premium bonds either, so VT will have to work another month!
A funny day really. A nothing day. Nothing doing..nothing happening..nothing to report.
Tonight we are having:Meatballs in a goulash sauce
Meatless balls..with mushrooms and spinach,
goulash sauce made with tomatoes and smoked paprika,
Rice 1/2 a packet,
Still raining now, it hasn't really warmed up at all today. we have had lights and heaters on everywhere today.
No post, or book delivered yet. VT has been carrying round the bell all day, we did think that the book people ones would have come, but nothing yet. They usually deliver quite quickly.
Nothing on the premium bonds either, so VT will have to work another month!
A funny day really. A nothing day. Nothing doing..nothing happening..nothing to report.
Tonight we are having:Meatballs in a goulash sauce
Meatless balls..with mushrooms and spinach,
goulash sauce made with tomatoes and smoked paprika,
Rice 1/2 a packet,
Monday, 5 October 2009
Spinach Muscles again...
Three down two to go. Off to Aintree again this morning for the weeklsy dose of Venofer.. Bit of a faff today though. Parking was a bit of a pain but eventually got a spot in the upper car park, so that was ok.
The nurse decided my hands were too cold and it would be hard to get the vein, so went off and came back with a wheat pillow which I had to keep my hands under. that took twenty minutes. Then the blokey staff nurse came and moved it to my arm and went off again. Another ten minutes went by, and he then came and put the saline in. Another ten mins and the Venofer went in. That was all ok, till after about twenty mins it stopped dripping. Twenty mins after that he came to attend to someone else, and sat talking to her for ten mins, caught his attention, and he got it going again. Boring.... Drip drip drip..but a bit quicker.Eventually...got out of there at 11.45!! Poor poor patient VT..sat waiting so patiently..Bless him, and never a word of complaint. God love him.
Then went to M&S for a coffee well earned. Nice coffee shop there, Sainsbury's could do with a visit there. Lovely coffee and nice surroundings, and spotlessly clean with tables cleared as soon as you leave them.
Got our vegetables and a few bits and pieces and came home just in time for lunch.
Next doors little ginger cat came out to greet us as we arrived. What a little star that cat is. It doesn't come out for anyone elses car just VT's..aaah.. then it runs up the path for its biscuits.Its a lovely cat, I wish it was ours really.
Tonight we are having:
vegetables with a sauce, something from the mix I have in the fridge,
Sliced potatoes.Maybe sauteed.
The nurse decided my hands were too cold and it would be hard to get the vein, so went off and came back with a wheat pillow which I had to keep my hands under. that took twenty minutes. Then the blokey staff nurse came and moved it to my arm and went off again. Another ten minutes went by, and he then came and put the saline in. Another ten mins and the Venofer went in. That was all ok, till after about twenty mins it stopped dripping. Twenty mins after that he came to attend to someone else, and sat talking to her for ten mins, caught his attention, and he got it going again. Boring.... Drip drip drip..but a bit quicker.Eventually...got out of there at 11.45!! Poor poor patient VT..sat waiting so patiently..Bless him, and never a word of complaint. God love him.
Then went to M&S for a coffee well earned. Nice coffee shop there, Sainsbury's could do with a visit there. Lovely coffee and nice surroundings, and spotlessly clean with tables cleared as soon as you leave them.
Got our vegetables and a few bits and pieces and came home just in time for lunch.
Next doors little ginger cat came out to greet us as we arrived. What a little star that cat is. It doesn't come out for anyone elses car just VT's..aaah.. then it runs up the path for its biscuits.Its a lovely cat, I wish it was ours really.
Tonight we are having:
vegetables with a sauce, something from the mix I have in the fridge,
Sliced potatoes.Maybe sauteed.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Busy Sunday..
Started after breakfast with a Sourdough loaf in the bread machine. We do the dough, then when it is done we leabe it to prove then finish it off in our own tin. We used a mix of white and malt flour with grains which has given it a lovely colour.
When that was done we put the batch of pizza dough in. Not quite decided what sort of pizza we are doing yet though. Leave that to VT.
Crosswords after lunch and we finished the series of Land girls, excellent series well worth watching. Crossword proved to be a bit of a pain..well the big MOS one did. i spent ages looking for an Italian racing driver beaten by Nigel Mansell and eventusally got the answers of the Quizzes and Answers site.
VT went out for a bit this morning, but came back for a coffee later. it is calmer today, but cool, and beginning to go dark as I type this at 6.45. The clocks go back at the end of the month so we will notice the difference then.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza..not sure what sort yet though,
Salad with baby tomatoes and avocado etc.
Potato salad for me and Pasta salad for VT.
When that was done we put the batch of pizza dough in. Not quite decided what sort of pizza we are doing yet though. Leave that to VT.
Crosswords after lunch and we finished the series of Land girls, excellent series well worth watching. Crossword proved to be a bit of a pain..well the big MOS one did. i spent ages looking for an Italian racing driver beaten by Nigel Mansell and eventusally got the answers of the Quizzes and Answers site.
VT went out for a bit this morning, but came back for a coffee later. it is calmer today, but cool, and beginning to go dark as I type this at 6.45. The clocks go back at the end of the month so we will notice the difference then.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza..not sure what sort yet though,
Salad with baby tomatoes and avocado etc.
Potato salad for me and Pasta salad for VT.
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Washing day..
Very blowy today. We did the bedding, but didn't hang it out because it looked a bit like rain. next doors were doing the same by the looks of it, but she hung hers out where it was blowing like mad, but it was taken in a bit later and is now out again blowing away on the line. Ours is dried and back on the bed by now.
Bobby lost her collar this morning. VT looked around for it after lunch but didn't see it, and found it later on the ground by their hut, looking like it has been there all night. The collar is all fluffy and rain sodden, so she has a new one now. I like cats in collars, it makes them look like they are cared for I always think.
Nothing doing much today,very quiet out. We watched an episode of "The land Girls" this afternoon. What a good series that has been, really good characters, and well acted and with excellent story lines. We have seen three and there are two to go.
Strictly tonight with Andy Williams on it..What a legend. i remember well seeing him in Liverpool three years ago. Super, but only quite small. Terrific voice though. We watched Barbra Streisand last night, good interview, and still has an amazing voice.
Tonight we are having:
Wholemeal Bun, with a slice of tomato and cheese and a bit of lettuce. VT doesn't want a lot of salad.
Bobby lost her collar this morning. VT looked around for it after lunch but didn't see it, and found it later on the ground by their hut, looking like it has been there all night. The collar is all fluffy and rain sodden, so she has a new one now. I like cats in collars, it makes them look like they are cared for I always think.
Nothing doing much today,very quiet out. We watched an episode of "The land Girls" this afternoon. What a good series that has been, really good characters, and well acted and with excellent story lines. We have seen three and there are two to go.
Strictly tonight with Andy Williams on it..What a legend. i remember well seeing him in Liverpool three years ago. Super, but only quite small. Terrific voice though. We watched Barbra Streisand last night, good interview, and still has an amazing voice.
Tonight we are having:
Wholemeal Bun, with a slice of tomato and cheese and a bit of lettuce. VT doesn't want a lot of salad.
Friday, 2 October 2009
Friday Foray..
We decided to go to the Walton Sainsbury's today with my money.We had been the other way a few times and I had to get another..yet another blood test at Walton so it was kill two birds with one stone.
Didn't have to wait too long,my ticket was 00, and they were on 92 when I arrived. Girl got me first time, most of them dig around a bit.
We then went over to Sainsbury's. Coffee time..we took our own biscuits! No trays..no cups..no stirrers! they need a kick up the proverbial ****.
The cafe could do a lot better than they do.The coffee is good, but there is a lot of wasted space. The Waitrose cafe is far superior, but expensive, the M&S cafes are just excellent. Sainsbury's need to be more along their line. Maybe it is just the Walton one that isn't good. We have been to the Ellesmere Port one by the cheshire Oaks and that is good.
Came home to be greeted by the little ginger cat next door. It's a lovely cat, it hears VT;s car drive up and comes trotting out of it's path..aaah. it has a really cute little bobbly tail. Love it..must take a picture of her.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta 4oz with
A three cheese sauce,
Asparagus, green beans, peas, mushrooms.
Didn't have to wait too long,my ticket was 00, and they were on 92 when I arrived. Girl got me first time, most of them dig around a bit.
We then went over to Sainsbury's. Coffee time..we took our own biscuits! No trays..no cups..no stirrers! they need a kick up the proverbial ****.
The cafe could do a lot better than they do.The coffee is good, but there is a lot of wasted space. The Waitrose cafe is far superior, but expensive, the M&S cafes are just excellent. Sainsbury's need to be more along their line. Maybe it is just the Walton one that isn't good. We have been to the Ellesmere Port one by the cheshire Oaks and that is good.
Came home to be greeted by the little ginger cat next door. It's a lovely cat, it hears VT;s car drive up and comes trotting out of it's path..aaah. it has a really cute little bobbly tail. Love it..must take a picture of her.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta 4oz with
A three cheese sauce,
Asparagus, green beans, peas, mushrooms.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Hair Do's..
Went into Formby this morning to get a Cut and Blow at the hairdressers..Venue VT very kindly chauffered me there and back, but I did buy him a car wash for doing so! The appointment was for 9.30 and I was wspot on time. Unlike last time, the girl set about my hair straight away
, and I was out in three quarters of an hour. It does make you feel better having a haircut, and she does it well. We were having a conversation about where we live and when she asked me where I was from she said "Do you know Jan Williams?" I said she was my next door neighbour. Small World.
When we got home Jane rang up and it turns out she was going for a haircut as well.. but mine cost #30 hers cost #4 !! she gets hers done at some student place. I told her to get all that fringe off her face Ha Ha

Aaaah shes a good kid though.
Lovely scented bath this afternoon, I was trying to finish my book but a bit to go yet. Very good actually, by Tess Gerritson..Keeping the Dead. A good thriller and a clever pleot. Well worth the money.
Last night's tea was nice actually. Thought the sauce was going to be a bit hot and chillish, but in the end it was tasty. All the veggies were well put together, and it was very simple to do.
Tonight we are having:
Quorn Escalope with broccoli and cheese,
Tenderstem broccoli,
Mushroom sauce to go with
Baby saute potatoes.
, and I was out in three quarters of an hour. It does make you feel better having a haircut, and she does it well. We were having a conversation about where we live and when she asked me where I was from she said "Do you know Jan Williams?" I said she was my next door neighbour. Small World.
When we got home Jane rang up and it turns out she was going for a haircut as well.. but mine cost #30 hers cost #4 !! she gets hers done at some student place. I told her to get all that fringe off her face Ha Ha
Aaaah shes a good kid though.
Lovely scented bath this afternoon, I was trying to finish my book but a bit to go yet. Very good actually, by Tess Gerritson..Keeping the Dead. A good thriller and a clever pleot. Well worth the money.
Last night's tea was nice actually. Thought the sauce was going to be a bit hot and chillish, but in the end it was tasty. All the veggies were well put together, and it was very simple to do.
Tonight we are having:
Quorn Escalope with broccoli and cheese,
Tenderstem broccoli,
Mushroom sauce to go with
Baby saute potatoes.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Day For Techies..
Today is the day you are supposed to retune your televisions. VT does ours..he has taken ages to do the ones in the middle room and the upstairs, and got there in the end. he did very well actually.It's all above me, i would just like things to be left alone as they are. You just get the hang of the different channels and bang they change things. Progress I suppose.
We went over to Ormskirk this morning to have a mooch, and get a few things. Very quiet there, you could have parked anywhere. There was only VT and me in the little cafe we usually go into, and no-one shouting two thick toasts!!
As I am typing this Gladys Knight is on the radio talking to Steve Wright..what a legend.Sounds like a lovely woman.
Went into Superdrug this morning , needed some night wrinkle cream..not that it does any good they charged me too much for a product that was on offer..so had to wait ages for a refund..after they had checked it first. Makes you feel stupid. VT came in to see what was going on..he loves it when I get things wrong..but..this time it wasn't my fault.
Tonight we are having the M&S meal. 1234 dine in meal.
We went over to Ormskirk this morning to have a mooch, and get a few things. Very quiet there, you could have parked anywhere. There was only VT and me in the little cafe we usually go into, and no-one shouting two thick toasts!!
As I am typing this Gladys Knight is on the radio talking to Steve Wright..what a legend.Sounds like a lovely woman.
Went into Superdrug this morning , needed some night wrinkle cream..not that it does any good they charged me too much for a product that was on offer..so had to wait ages for a refund..after they had checked it first. Makes you feel stupid. VT came in to see what was going on..he loves it when I get things wrong..but..this time it wasn't my fault.
Tonight we are having the M&S meal. 1234 dine in meal.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
In Today
Stayed in today to do bits and pieces. Did some ironing this morning which has been building up for a bit. Will have to start putting the summer things away since the weather is definitely turning. VT says the garden is drying up, and it is the green bin turn this week so I think he is filling it with stuff from the plant pots. It is an early Autumn this year, after all it is not the first of October till Thursday, but the trees are going, and the bedding plants are giving up the ghost.
Renewed the library books this morning too, so they are done till the endish of October.
Tried to order some books from the book people, but the card is playing up, and the expiry dates will not register. Total rubbish, don't know what is happening there.No doubt VT will come up in his way and tell me that I am not doing it right!!
Tonight we are having:
Maybe the 1234 dishes we bought from M&S yesterday.
Stirfry with lentils and chick peas
Paneer cheese.
Renewed the library books this morning too, so they are done till the endish of October.
Tried to order some books from the book people, but the card is playing up, and the expiry dates will not register. Total rubbish, don't know what is happening there.No doubt VT will come up in his way and tell me that I am not doing it right!!
Tonight we are having:
Maybe the 1234 dishes we bought from M&S yesterday.
Stirfry with lentils and chick peas
Paneer cheese.
Monday, 28 September 2009
Spinach Muscles again...
Up earlish this morning again and off to Aintree Hospital for another doase of Venofar. Timed it just nicely, just as the nurse was giving out the coffees and teas. Got my dose of venofar put into the arm, and sat and did puzzles while I waited. Out fairly quickly, and back again next week same time same place. A queue to get in the car park today there but we didn't wait long really, I think they were doing something with the barrier, anyway we got in on time. No queue to get out though, and you pay your £2 aqnd off you go.
Then went to M&S in Aintree since it is on the way back. had a nice cup of coffee which VT deserves. It is so pleasant there, and a lovely shop. You keep seeing things that you would like, but no space. it would be nice to be able to start again really, except that a lot of the home wear is almost retro at the moment, stripes and spots etc.Not sure I like that.
Bought some veggies for the week, and treated us to a 1234 dine in meal. You get 1.. A tray of paneer cheese,2 A pack of stir fry vegetables and chick peas, 3.. A tub of sauce..we bought coconut and chilli lime sauce, and 4..A pack of rice..we bought the mushroom rice. That was £6.99 A bit of a treat but then we don't eat out much do we..
Not having it tonight though..
Tonight we are having..
Garlic Kiev
Baby roast potatoes, 8oz
Vegetables of choice from the fridge.
Sauce with some mushrooms.
Then went to M&S in Aintree since it is on the way back. had a nice cup of coffee which VT deserves. It is so pleasant there, and a lovely shop. You keep seeing things that you would like, but no space. it would be nice to be able to start again really, except that a lot of the home wear is almost retro at the moment, stripes and spots etc.Not sure I like that.
Bought some veggies for the week, and treated us to a 1234 dine in meal. You get 1.. A tray of paneer cheese,2 A pack of stir fry vegetables and chick peas, 3.. A tub of sauce..we bought coconut and chilli lime sauce, and 4..A pack of rice..we bought the mushroom rice. That was £6.99 A bit of a treat but then we don't eat out much do we..
Not having it tonight though..
Tonight we are having..
Garlic Kiev
Baby roast potatoes, 8oz
Vegetables of choice from the fridge.
Sauce with some mushrooms.
Sunday, 27 September 2009
A nice normal pizza today. VT has been experimenting the last few weeks, and we have had a glorious array of different beautiful pizzas. Today we are having one with our usual roast vegetables.
He went out this morning to let the next door's cat out, and came back to say it was asleep on their landing, when he went back a bit later it had woken up and was sitting by the door waiting to go out. VT said it hadn't used its cat litter so it must have had crossed legs! Its a lovely lttle cat, ginger with a real character, and a bobble on the end of its tail.
Did some washing this morning and went to peg it out on the line. Astounded by the huge great weeds in the garden in among the flags, so VT and me attacked them with the hoes. Cleared up a bit, but still a lot to do.
Did the crosswords after lunch. Mine (the You magazine) was a bit tricky, but got there slowly. VT finished his except for one he had to check on the puter. Finished the MOS one a bit later , nothing dificult, just ones you had to look up.
Tonight we are having:
Roast vegetable pizza,
Salad with avocado and baby yellow plum tomatoes etc.,
Potato salad and cous cous salad for VT.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Computer Glitches..
This afternoon the computer went a little bit crazy. I clicked on something as usual and got a totally blue screen with a serious error message on it. Looked pretty serious too. nothing was moving and nothing was doing.Went hotfoot down to tell VT but when we got back it was doing something again. I will never understand the workings of a computer. They will always remain a mystery to me.
Today has been quite quiet, next doors are away in Rome, and nothing is moving on the other side. VT went to get some cat chicken this morning, and came back with an interesting looking book called "Travels with I Claudius" about a girl who travels across America with her cat. Can't see our cats travelling! They can't even go to the vets without kicking up a storm and crying all the way!
Tonight we are having:
Chinese..Spring rolls,
egg fried rice,
Stir fry vegetables,
Sauce of some sort.
Today has been quite quiet, next doors are away in Rome, and nothing is moving on the other side. VT went to get some cat chicken this morning, and came back with an interesting looking book called "Travels with I Claudius" about a girl who travels across America with her cat. Can't see our cats travelling! They can't even go to the vets without kicking up a storm and crying all the way!
Tonight we are having:
Chinese..Spring rolls,
egg fried rice,
Stir fry vegetables,
Sauce of some sort.
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